Fundamental of the Week, Martha Lynn Mangum Martha Lynn Mangum Fundamental of the Week, Martha Lynn Mangum Martha Lynn Mangum

Out of the Darkness and into the Light

What if the answers you seek are hidden in the unknown? In this week's Momentum Consulting Newsletter, Martha Lynn Mangum shares a powerful reflection on her cave canoeing experience in Belize. Sitting in complete darkness, she discovered how fear of the unknown keeps us stuck—and how shifting our perspective can illuminate new solutions. Read on to explore how both darkness and light play a role in our growth.

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Fundamental of the Week, Martha Lynn Mangum Martha Lynn Mangum Fundamental of the Week, Martha Lynn Mangum Martha Lynn Mangum

Why Goal Setting Doesn’t Work for Everyone—and What to Do Instead

If you’re someone who doesn’t feel motivated by setting goals, there might be deeper reasons at play. You may be worried about failure, feel confined by commitments, or stressed about performance. You could even struggle with flexibility or decision-making. These are valid concerns, especially when the path forward feels unclear. Humans naturally resist the unknown—if we can’t see how a goal can be achieved, it’s tempting to avoid setting ourselves up for failure.

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Fundamental of the Week, Martha Lynn Mangum Martha Lynn Mangum Fundamental of the Week, Martha Lynn Mangum Martha Lynn Mangum

Being Right Isn't About Being Right

Unfortunately,  we will never prove our self-worth if we look for it outside of ourselves. The journey for all of us is to discover our self-worth internally.  Here's a little hint: you already are worthy. However, as we work through that belief, how do we work through the immediate frustration of not feeling heard?

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