Out of the Darkness and into the Light
What if the answers you seek are hidden in the unknown? In this week's Momentum Consulting Newsletter, Martha Lynn Mangum shares a powerful reflection on her cave canoeing experience in Belize. Sitting in complete darkness, she discovered how fear of the unknown keeps us stuck—and how shifting our perspective can illuminate new solutions. Read on to explore how both darkness and light play a role in our growth.
Why Goal Setting Doesn’t Work for Everyone—and What to Do Instead
If you’re someone who doesn’t feel motivated by setting goals, there might be deeper reasons at play. You may be worried about failure, feel confined by commitments, or stressed about performance. You could even struggle with flexibility or decision-making. These are valid concerns, especially when the path forward feels unclear. Humans naturally resist the unknown—if we can’t see how a goal can be achieved, it’s tempting to avoid setting ourselves up for failure.
Gratitude Made Simple: A Guide to Finding Peace and Joy This Holiday Season
To help you navigate the season with calm and joy, I’m sharing some quick, simple practices rooted in gratitude that you can weave into your daily routine.
Breaking the Stress Cycle: How to Manage Modern Life’s Biggest Health Risk
Longevity is a popular topic these days, and achieving better health and a healthy life span is possible if we’re willing to take charge of our thoughts, emotions, physical wellness, and interactions.
Stepping Over the Edge: Embracing the Scary to Discover the Extraordinary
We only know where we are going and what to pack. The rest of the trip is a surprise, as we learn each day what the activity will be. I cherish these trips because they require me to trust and push myself to do scary things.
Taking a Break Could Be the Key to Your Success—And How to Do It Right
In your career or life, are you taking the time to dream? Do you think you’ll get to it when you have more time? Will the wheels really fall off the bus if you take some time to reset? If this is the case, unfortunately, how you’re operating is not sustainable anyway.
List: Tyrants or Tools?
I have so much admiration for people who can keep it all in their heads and accomplish the tasks, calls, and appointments. I’m starting to wonder if they are just smarter by committing to fewer tasks at a time?
Navigating Unexpected Challenges with Grace and Resilience
I've witnessed firsthand the detrimental impact of unchecked expectations. I notice that we are so surprised by the unexpected even when we know that it is part of life.
The Dance of Beliefs in Building Meaningful Connections
Building and sustaining these connections isn't always a walk in the park. No one is going to come knocking on your door asking to be your bestie.
Navigating the Holidays: Finding Peace Amidst the Chaos
I've been doing some research on anxiety to understand how we can better cope with the world we live in. It appears as if we are at an all-time high in crises. There are humanitarian crises both in the United States and around the world. People seem to be more reactive than ever.
How Can We Improve Professional Communication and Relationships?
I've personally found this exercise to be an invaluable tool. It has prevented me from making impulsive and regrettable communication choices when I've been in a reactive state.
The Art of Recovering and Thriving in Every Season
Acknowledgment, as research suggests, is a cornerstone in retaining valuable employees, and witnessing genuine recognition in action was heartening.
There must be some misunderstanding…
“There must be some misunderstanding, there must be some kind of mistake… “ It's natural for us to create stories in our minds to make sense of what others say or how they behave. Unfortunately…
Being Right Isn't About Being Right
Unfortunately, we will never prove our self-worth if we look for it outside of ourselves. The journey for all of us is to discover our self-worth internally. Here's a little hint: you already are worthy. However, as we work through that belief, how do we work through the immediate frustration of not feeling heard?
Unlocking the Power of Your Mind: Finding Balance and Shifting Negative Thoughts
This is a redundant topic because as a human, I have to be consistently reminded that how I perceive the world is totally up to me. If that’s the case, does it make you wonder why we choose to think thoughts that create suffering?
How Accountability Evolves As We Grow Up
Accountability no longer means responsibility to me. It means total and complete ownership for all that I do…
Vulnerability as a Prerequisite for Daring Leadership
This is the culprit for most breakdowns. We don’t share our expectations and then wonder why others let us down. Why? First, we assume other people will just get it. Second, to share our expectations means to be vulnerable…
Finding Peace in Reflection This Time of Year
This time of year calls us to reflect, observe and consider. It could reveal a successful year coming to completion or a difficult one...
Learner, Doer, Teacher ~ The Hero’s Journey
Watching the Astros, I was fascinated by the meetings at the mound. In a post-game interview, one of the players was asked what he said to the pitcher, and I was surprised by the simplicity of the message…
Who Are Your People?
Who is there for you for the good news, the bad news, the silly news, all without judgment? The person who loves you completely no matter what…
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