From Betrayal to Breakthrough: Transforming Victimhood into Empowerment
I’m talking about deep, dark, soul-crushing betrayal.
If you remember it vividly, your stomach might be tightening as your heartbeat quickens just thinking about it. Betrayal can be heartbreaking and enraging all at once.
Edge vs. Hedge: Which Hidden Emotions Are Most Useful to You?
We’ve all heard the notion that emotions drive our decisions, but I’ll bet that you, YES YOU, the person reading this, believe that notion applies more to others than to yourself. We like to think of ourselves as logical, impartial, and fair decision-makers. Let’s explore that.
The Evolution of Accountability: Tracing the Origins of Personal Responsibility
I don’t remember exactly how this realization came to be, but it felt heavy, like a sense of duty. It was so strong that I thought everyone felt the same and was aligned with it. I saw it reflected everywhere: in sustainability, finance, thought patterns, conservation, war and peace—even politics.
Navigating Accountability Through Divorce: Lessons Learned
Pardon my French, but every now and then I know I need to “eat a shit sandwich.” This translates to “I need to give up being right.”
From Panic to Purpose: My Fatherhood Story
Holidays can be emotional and different for everyone. Not all men are able to be dads, and some dads have lost sons. My father passed away over eight years ago, so this day is bittersweet for me.
Embrace Positive Intent Today
This week, I found myself reevaluating my trust in someone due to an unfulfilled promise. In the ensuing contemplation (which persists even now), I couldn't help but notice my laser focus on justifying my lack of trust, casting it as the sole reality.
The True Wisdom of the World
“YES! This is it! THIS is the wisdom of mankind and of my people! And THIS is the lesson we shall teach to all my subjects across my kingdom!”
A New Year's Resolution to Keep Things Fun
My dad, Bob Morris, invented “cool.” If you ever met him, you know exactly what I mean. He rarely got excited or emotional in any way because he was just too cool.
Survival of the Fittest vs Survival of the Kindest
We've done this work many times, but it's safe to say we are the ones learning here. In Botswana, there’s a commitment to kindness and respect like no other culture I’ve seen, and because of that, speaking straight is a struggle.
Could You Be Sabotaging Your Growth with a Victim's Perspective?
My first taste of victimhood occurred when I approached Sarah, the Uber driver’s car, and she had kindly opened her trunk for our luggage.
Mastering the Art of Expectations
We’ve all found ourselves close to a deadline and need others on our team to pull their weight or come in with their assigned work on time. If we are waiting for that moment late in the game to start holding people accountable, we’re already too late.
The Selfish Joy of Service
I saw a video where Tom Hanks shared something he learned in life. Something he wished he’d known when he was younger.
Embracing Evolution Together: A Journey of Growth and Accountability
Thank you. Not just for reading this but for being my partner in this journey. I need you for that, and here’s what I mean.
Are You a Rule Breaker?
Rules imply all sorts of standards, and our core values serve as our own little secret set of rules for everyone…
How to Inspire Your Team to Greatness Simply By Showing Confidence In Them
I just watched the Philadelphia Eagles handle the San Francisco 49ers. We’ve all been there — worked hard all quarter for the big presentation only to have a wrench thrown in the works at the last minute. How do you inspire your team when that happens?
Check Yourself - Your Response Could Affect Generations
What justifies committing violence, a rant of swear words or any reaction severe enough to end a relationship? I was in conversation with a client about “temptations…”
If You’re a Victim and You Know It, Clap Your Hands
I stumbled onto the plane only to run into some guy coming down the aisle the wrong way with a bag way too big for the bins. Bound and determined to make it work, he had no problem holding up the entire boarding process…
I’m Not as Tough as I Thought I Was
I just had some major dental work in Costa Rica and took all the novocaine they’d give me. I’m not as tough as I thought I was…
When Travel Plans Fall Apart - Keeping it Fun
Another email from Delta. Flight canceled. I’m just plain upset at this point. Fun is nowhere in sight…
What Daryl Davis’s Conversations with Klan Members Teach Us About Listening
Mr. Davis has crossed enemy lines like no other. I saw klansmen magically shift before my eyes. Mr. Davis is practicing what we at Momentum call Other Oriented Listening…
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