Finding Peace in Reflection This Time of Year

I grew up in the Episcopal Church, which is rich in traditions, rituals and order.

One of the practices during the service was to give and receive a peace blessing. The minister would bless the congregation with peace, and then we would respond, “And peace be with you.” Then, we would take a few minutes to offer peace to the people around us with a hug, handshake, eye contact and the continued blessing, “peace be with you.” This was my favorite part of the service because it shifted my heart. It was like hearing a mantra, and whether I was feeling particularly peaceful or not coming into the service, I felt peace after this blessing. (More from Martha Lynn on feeling safe and peaceful.)

Regardless of our spiritual or non-spiritual beliefs, this time of year calls us to reflect, observe and consider how we want to move forward into the New Year. This reflection could reveal an incredible, successful year coming to completion. It could reveal a difficult year and a challenging time in your life. I have certainly experienced both, and I realize that, regardless of the outcome of my year, I consistently pray for peace. 

When my kids ask me what I want as a gift, I half-heartedly say, “World peace.” 

I might as well ask for it. It seems this is what everyone is supposed to want, right? It was the only answer for Sandra Bullock’s character in Miss Congeniality when asked about the most important thing for society. And yet, we are living in the most “unpeaceful” of times. Maybe we feel too small to impact the world. I am fairly certain that in order to obtain world peace, we must first find peace inside ourselves.

“Everybody today seems to be in such a terrible rush, anxious for the greater developments and greater riches and so on, so that children have very little time for their parents. Parents have very little time for each other, and in the home begins the disruption of peace of the world.”  - Mother Teresa

So it starts with us.

  1.  I encourage you to put your hand on your heart.

  2. Accept and own what is so in your life right now.

  3. Practice forgiveness for judgments you hold about yourself and others.

  4. Let peace fill you up.

When we engage in peace-making for ourselves, we begin to have more space for others. It’s a ripple effect. That’s how we change our experience and the world around us. 

Just recently, a group of 13 strangers chose to travel together in a van after their flight had been canceled. It’s a remarkable story about humanity and how they trusted each other to make the journey.

Read the story.

This is what happens when we are at peace with ourselves. We find our creativity, our trust and our connection with others. That’s the kind of world I want to live in.

How are you going to move forward in the new year? Make peace with it, and keep practicing. 

Peace be with you,

Martha Lynn

Fundamental of the Week #6: CREATE A SAFE ENVIRONMENT

Both physical and emotional safety are important. Safety means it's okay to speak up or try new ideas without fear of blame; Innovation thrives in a safe environment.

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