I have lived long enough, several decades, to witness cultural shifts over time. The 2000s are nothing like the 1950s. Culture and society march ahead, and it's up to us to keep up. But here's the rub: progress strains our attention spans. In politics, media, entertainment, even business, the game has changed. To capture our eyes and ears, the strategy is simple—stir things up, rile people, scare them. It works. Fear diverts attention from what truly matters because when we're afraid, our thinking becomes dulled and ineffective.

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Craig Clark Craig Clark Craig Clark Craig Clark

Authenticity: From Shallow Waters to Higher Ground

We get up in the morning, clean up for work (at least pre-COVID), down some coffee, brace ourselves, and head out the door. It has become so routine we do not notice. In some ways, it started back in grade school… walking out the door with a mental “showtime!”. We slapped our game faces on and headed to school.

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Craig Clark Craig Clark Craig Clark Craig Clark

Why Listening is so Hard

I will start to see a person through a lens that will only reaffirm my point of view. I will often cease to see them in a larger context of possibility or partnership and my interactions with them become limited…

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