Think Like a Wizard: Cultivating Imagination for Business Growth
Do you believe in magic? Not the kind with wands and spells, but the magic of creativity and innovation—the kind that turns bold ideas into groundbreaking realities. Every invention we now take for granted once lived only in someone’s imagination. So, how do you create that kind of magic in your workplace? It starts with fostering an environment where ideas are encouraged, risks are embraced, and innovation is celebrated. Great leaders know that when creativity is given space to flourish, extraordinary things happen. Ready to spark some magic in your organization? Read on! ✨
To Get the Results You Need, Ask for Them!
Effective communication simply leads to much more efficient operations. If you ask every participant after an average meeting to tell you the reason for the meeting as well as what the follow-up action items are, you will get an almost comically wide range of answers.
Isn’t It Ironic?
Discover the true meaning of integrity, why it’s essential, and how to live by your core values in everyday life and work, even when no one’s watching.
Caution: A Simple Solution May Not Be the Answer
Your brakes are not working! You frantically do everything you can to slow the car down and manage to reduce your speed, but you still bump into the car in front of you.
Credibility: The Key Pillar of Transformational Leadership
I’m a big fan of Stephen Covey’s assertion that building trust is essential to leadership. I bring this concept into executive team offsites as well as one-on-one coaching as a vital goal for leaders. Bottom line: if your team doesn’t trust you, they won’t follow you.
I’m Right You’re WRONG!
I’ve worked with many executives and business teams for which that need to be right is the root cause of so many of their challenges. Unpacking those issues can be a difficult process, with much stumbling over ego blocks.
Building Trust through Confidentiality: A Vital Aspect of Leadership
I still consider the risk to be worth it. The greater risk to me would have been to breach confidentiality, which is essential to an executive coaching relationship.
Whispers in the Office: Decoding Dialogues
I’ve shared this quote with you before and am doing so again as it’s one of my favorites and it absolutely bears repeating!
Master This Crucial Skill for Business Success
Be honest with yourself; how much have you learned by talking? But listening well and generously is easier said than done. It takes more than just hearing what another person is saying.
Crafting Leadership Excellence
As a leader, people will follow you whether you choose to be intentional about being an example or not. For instance, you can talk about how important it is for your team to collaborate, but unless you are regularly collaborating with them, the practice will have difficulty taking root.
Are Participation Trophies Hurting the Workplace?
We have developed a culture in which effort is considered a success, not only in parenting but in the corporate world. I do believe that this was born out of a genuine desire to be more positive, supportive, and encouraging than previous generations were thought to be. But have we taken it too far?
The Heart of Effective Coaching
“People do not care how much you know until they know how much you care.” This is a favorite quote from Teddy Roosevelt, one which embodies everything I believe about coaching. Executive leadership coaches…
The Biggest Room in the World
We all manage ourselves, our companies, and our teams by setting goals; ideally, with goals that require a stretch but are achievable. Perfection - if it indeed exists - is an ever-evolving ideal and therefore does not make a realistic goal.
What is a Safe Environment in THE Workplace?
If you work in an office environment, you might easily think workplace safety pertains solely to physical safety; your office has no heavy machinery, forklifts, or clearly contagious employees, so it must be safe, right? Not necessarily.
More Parties at Work Won’t Solve a Morale Problem
Employee morale is at an all-time low. Productivity is way down, and negative Glassdoor comments are increasing. Why is morale low? There could be hundreds of reasons…
Stop Holding People Accountable at Work
Stop holding people accountable; it doesn’t work. But leadership coaching is built around accountability, so how can I say it doesn’t work?
The Perfect Solution - How to Get Your Team On Board
You’ve figured out the perfect solution. You tell your team how excited you are, assign responsibilities and send them off. You notice a couple of people looking resigned…
Coping with Your Reaction to Change ~ Embracing the Unexpected
Life can feel totally out of control sometimes. People change their priorities. Pandemics happen! We can feel overwhelmed. However, we are not powerless…
Whistleblowing Versus Confidentiality: Where is the Line?
There are clear-cut situations in which people are in danger, but most have multiple shades of gray. Blowing the whistle may keep some from harm but put others squarely in its path…
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