Fundamental of the Week, Tracey Nelson Tracey Nelson Fundamental of the Week, Tracey Nelson Tracey Nelson

Think Like a Wizard: Cultivating Imagination for Business Growth

Do you believe in magic? Not the kind with wands and spells, but the magic of creativity and innovation—the kind that turns bold ideas into groundbreaking realities. Every invention we now take for granted once lived only in someone’s imagination. So, how do you create that kind of magic in your workplace? It starts with fostering an environment where ideas are encouraged, risks are embraced, and innovation is celebrated. Great leaders know that when creativity is given space to flourish, extraordinary things happen. Ready to spark some magic in your organization? Read on! ✨

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Tracey Nelson Tracey Nelson Tracey Nelson Tracey Nelson

The Biggest Room in the World

We all manage ourselves, our companies, and our teams by setting goals; ideally, with goals that require a stretch but are achievable. Perfection - if it indeed exists - is an ever-evolving ideal and therefore does not make a realistic goal.

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