new beginnings
In doing so, here are some of the things I have learned:
Asking for help is a sign of strength, not weakness.
Though you have transformed, never be ashamed of your story or who you used to be.
Your core values are who you already are. Own it.
Listening “for” is more than being open. It’s putting aside the need to “do” anything.
Choosing Overwhelm?
To address your overwhelm, ask yourself these questions:
How many things am I trying to handle at once?
2. What one thing is actually pushing that “overwhelm” button?
3. How can I relieve that pressure?
4. Who can I ask for help with that?
Personal and Professional Purpose
We have come to the conclusion that Purpose isn't a sweet little "nice to have." It's a necessity. In life and in business. Where there is purpose, there is drive. Where there is drive, there is the everlasting climb to better business, better lives, and a better world.
Overdelivery in 2021
In 2021, we may start thinking deeper thoughts about what exactly we want to promise... because we want to live up to what we are promising, never disappoint the customer, and be realistic with what kind of service we can provide.
Customer Service 2020
As we go into 2021, if we have already figured this out, it won't be such a 'PIVOT' moving forward. If we remember that our customer holds a special relationship to us, and believes in something we show up for, we will be the ones winning in business.
Business: Impact Positive
With the socially conscious movements of today, and elevated by today's global marketplace and connectivity, consumers are taking a closer and closer look at business ethics.
What's that Smell?
Our consultants at Momentum have tools to uncover problems and reveal blind spots. It's the transformational discovery that can change the efficiency and the productivity of your business.
Bowden-ize Your Business
when you assigned the project, were you clear enough to the team involved?
Who is this for?
What is the purpose?
What outcome do we want to achieve?
Why I am trusting YOU to this assignment
When You Know Better, Do Better
But, there is a lot more to this than obvious first impressions. First of all, your best right now is simply your best in this moment in time. This "best" of you now is different from your "best" of years past. Your childhood best is not your adult best, and it wouldn't even be fair to compare. Nor should we expect to compare a current "best" from person to person.
Adjusting the Lens for Detail
There are seven basic learning styles, as shown here in this briefing by Mindvalley.
Visual / Spacial: can see detail in design, shapes, and space
Aural: can hear detail in music and are very affected by sound
Verbal: have detailed vocabulary and thrive in written and spoken word
Physical / Kinesthetic: feel detail in how the body moves and learn through doing
Logical / Mathematic: see detail in numbers and calculations
Social / Interpersonal: need to be around others in order to learn
Solitary / Intrapersonal: learn better alone
We All Could Use An "Atta-Girl"
By appreciating our teammates or work mates, we are helping with their brain function and their health!
Can Work be Fun?
Work can be fun when:
People feel included
People are allowed to use their gifts for the good of the team
People are allowed to express their thoughts and opinions
It's ok to laugh, especially at yourself
You take off the pressure of being incredibly academic and focus on the product being really great
I'm Doing my Best!
Doing our best doesn’t mean being perfect. It means doing our best in the current situation at the current time in the current mind-frame with our current knowledge. By believing that everyone is doing their best, I can release myself from the situation and give every person the benefit of the doubt.
How we do Anything is How we do Everything
One of our first exercises was to uncover my “core values,” which at first I thought would be more like “priorities” or “life roles.” No, I found out, everyone has values set so deep in them that it drives their lives. It’s not what we consider to be important; it’s what we know so deeply in our psyche that we expect everyone and everything to adhere.
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