There must be some misunderstanding…

"There must be some misunderstanding. There must be some kind of mistake..."

These iconic lyrics open the song "Misunderstanding" by the legendary rock band Genesis. As a devoted fan of both the band and this particular track, I can't help but resonate with these words. Throughout my life, I've found myself uttering this line countless times. However, as I've grown older and gained more experience and knowledge, I've come to realize that my interpretations are not always accurate. In fact, more often than not, my perceptions are flawed.

It's natural for us to create stories in our minds to make sense of what others say or how they behave. We try to connect their words to the files stored in our brains. Unfortunately, relying solely on these limited files hampers our ability to grasp the bigger picture and truly understand the message being conveyed.

To counteract the path of misinterpretation, it's essential to pay attention to our perceptions and cultivate curiosity about the true meaning behind communication. This process has been eye-opening for me and has allowed me to learn so much about others. Thankfully, I approach this journey with a sense of humor and a strong belief in self-forgiveness. I'm also aware that I can never fully know how others perceive me, so I often check in to ensure that my intended message is actually received. Many times, I've had to ask for a "do-over" because I wasn't clear in my initial communication.

Now, take a moment to check in with yourself. What thoughts arise in your mind as you read my words? Do you think, "Duh, I already know this," or perhaps, "Hmmm, that's interesting," or maybe even, "I always get it right," or "I can't help it if other people don't understand me." It's completely normal to organize our thoughts and responses in these ways. However, I wonder how many different outcomes we could achieve if we took a pause and sought deeper understanding.

One of my favorite pastimes is watching or listening to comedians. A skilled comedian can take a mundane, everyday experience and turn it into the funniest story. It's all about delivery and perspective! These talented individuals have the ability to challenge our preconceived notions and create new mental files for us. We owe them a debt of gratitude for shaking things up and expanding our outlook.

In our fast-paced world driven by technology, we often rely on emails and text messages for communication instead of engaging in real-life verbal conversations. It's no wonder that there are so many misunderstandings. Verbal communication allows us to swiftly correct misinterpretations as we pick up on visual and auditory cues. Unfortunately, these cues are lost when we cannot see or hear the other person. The illusion of saving time through texting often leads to spending more time cleaning up misunderstandings on the back end.

Let's take a moment to slow down. The greatest way to show respect and honor to another person is to be fully present, actively listen, and strive to understand them. Imagine the kind of world we could create if we extended this courtesy to one another.

With deep respect for your stories,

Martha Lynn

Fundamental of the Week #9: COMMUNICATE TO BE UNDERSTOOD

Communicate in the least complicated way. You are accountable for what people understand or misunderstand.

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