Embracing Unique Strengths: How Appreciation Transforms Leadership
Our values shape what we cherish most, but when we unknowingly expect others to express them exactly as we would, we stifle potential. True leadership means upholding non-negotiable principles while creating space for individual expression. By leaning on and appreciating each individual’s strengths, the whole becomes more vibrant and effective.
Who’s Ready for 2025?
This process allows us to release expectations and attachments to outcomes. It’s not an either/or scenario.
Navigating Authenticity: Risks and Rewards of Being Your True Self in Any Environment
Explore the balance between authenticity and workplace norms. Discover how showing your true self at work can lead to greater fulfillment and stronger connections.
Service is Exponential
We're not just saying "yes" to serving others; we're saying "yes" to a life infused with meaning and connection.
Unlocking Subsurface Potential: A Journey with Ideon Technologies
We just wrapped up an incredible week with Ideon Technologies at The Brew Creek Centre outside of Whistler, BC. We learned so much from this dynamic and innovative leadership team that I felt compelled to share about the breakthrough work they are up to.
The Unspoken Power of Personal Integrity
In my decades-long leadership journey, one lesson has become unmistakably clear: personal integrity isn't just a buzzword; it's the foundation of effective leadership. I've learned this not from theories but from facing the challenges of leading teams in the real world.
Are You Expanding or Contracting?
Life is a fascinating dance, isn't it? Growth is not linear; it is a dance between expansion and contraction. How much does the expansiveness of our listening correlate with the impact we can make?
Living Our Lives in the Service of Others
We're not just saying "yes" to serving others; we're saying "yes" to a life infused with meaning and connection.
Authenticity in the Workplace: Why Being Yourself Matters
Regardless of whether you work in a creative agency, architectural firm, sales enterprise, corporate environment, or government organization, we all hold fixed points of view regarding what we can and cannot do and say. However, it is worth considering how much of this is a fixed reality and how much of it is shaped by our own thinking.
What Kinds of Conversations Are You Having?
You’re standing in front of your people or addressing them via video, and all you get are blank stares. You ask, what do I have to do to get everyone engaged?
The Loudest Silence — Recognizing the Chatter in Your Head
In silence, how long does it take your internal commentator to start chattering? What do you notice about its nature? We just returned from a silent retreat…
The Powerful Gift of Direct Feedback
When I read the feedback, I had my own visceral reaction. It triggered an old limiting perception of myself of “being too much.” I immediately felt embarrassed…
Sometimes, Doing Your Best Means NOT Doing
I have typically thought of my best as working the hardest, going the extra mile and speaking up when I have an idea. However, it occurred to me that perhaps there were other, seemingly opposite ways for me to express my best.
How to Build Momentum & Keep It
Momentum in business, or even in your personal life, is like physics. Getting going, the start-up energy, is the hardest thing to muster…
How To Get What You Want (Hint: Ask For It.)
In relationships at work or at home, remember that assumptions remain in your own mind. Explicit requests are spoken or written in detail. And most people will rise to the occasion if you give them the requirements and expectations.
Hidden Gem of Transformational Coaching
Check out this new article in Voyage Austin magazine, highlighting hidden gem Marlene Clark, owner of Momentum Consulting and transformational coach.
You Get What You Ask For
In relationships at work or at home, remember that assumptions remain in your own mind. Explicit requests are spoken or written in detail. And most people will rise to the occasion if you give them the requirements and expectations.
Getting What You Ask For
If you’re not getting what you want, start paying attention to what you are asking for. The good news is, it’s up to you.
A Life Lived in the Service of Others
Being of service to others includes all aspects and all areas of our lives. It is not just something we do to "check the box" on being a good person. If we’re paying attention, there is an opportunity for service to become a part of who we are each and every day.
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