Unlocking Excellence: The Power of Always Doing Your Best
Developing the practice of doing your best each day is not a one-time event; it's a continuous process that requires discipline and self-awareness.
Unlocking the Economics of Decency: How Anthropos Arts Achieves Remarkable Success Through Music Education
If most businesses had this kind of result from their clients, they would be top performers.
Being Right Isn't About Being Right
Unfortunately, we will never prove our self-worth if we look for it outside of ourselves. The journey for all of us is to discover our self-worth internally. Here's a little hint: you already are worthy. However, as we work through that belief, how do we work through the immediate frustration of not feeling heard?
Unlocking the Power of Your Mind: Finding Balance and Shifting Negative Thoughts
This is a redundant topic because as a human, I have to be consistently reminded that how I perceive the world is totally up to me. If that’s the case, does it make you wonder why we choose to think thoughts that create suffering?
Embracing Evolution Together: A Journey of Growth and Accountability
Thank you. Not just for reading this but for being my partner in this journey. I need you for that, and here’s what I mean.
The Biggest Room in the World
We all manage ourselves, our companies, and our teams by setting goals; ideally, with goals that require a stretch but are achievable. Perfection - if it indeed exists - is an ever-evolving ideal and therefore does not make a realistic goal.
Authenticity in the Workplace: Why Being Yourself Matters
Regardless of whether you work in a creative agency, architectural firm, sales enterprise, corporate environment, or government organization, we all hold fixed points of view regarding what we can and cannot do and say. However, it is worth considering how much of this is a fixed reality and how much of it is shaped by our own thinking.
Accidental Authenticity is the Best Kind
A strange thing has happened.
While composing my own newsletter, This Is Not What I Expected, the other day – a publication theoretically unrelated to Momentum Consulting – I realized I was unconsciously writing about authenticity in a very Momentum-y way.
Authenticity: From Shallow Waters to Higher Ground
We get up in the morning, clean up for work (at least pre-COVID), down some coffee, brace ourselves, and head out the door. It has become so routine we do not notice. In some ways, it started back in grade school… walking out the door with a mental “showtime!”. We slapped our game faces on and headed to school.
What is a Safe Environment in THE Workplace?
If you work in an office environment, you might easily think workplace safety pertains solely to physical safety; your office has no heavy machinery, forklifts, or clearly contagious employees, so it must be safe, right? Not necessarily.
What Are You Worried About?
Five hundred years ago, Michel de Montaigne said, "My life has been filled with terrible misfortune; most of which never happened." We’re STILL spending a lot of time worrying…
I Have the Best Dad in the World
I can say with conviction that Momentum Consulting co-founder Craig Clark also happens to be the best dad in the world. 5 years ago I gave him a journal with 20 reasons why that’s the case. I recently found the journal and wanted to…
How Accountability Evolves As We Grow Up
Accountability no longer means responsibility to me. It means total and complete ownership for all that I do…
Are You a Rule Breaker?
Rules imply all sorts of standards, and our core values serve as our own little secret set of rules for everyone…
More Parties at Work Won’t Solve a Morale Problem
Employee morale is at an all-time low. Productivity is way down, and negative Glassdoor comments are increasing. Why is morale low? There could be hundreds of reasons…
What Kinds of Conversations Are You Having?
You’re standing in front of your people or addressing them via video, and all you get are blank stares. You ask, what do I have to do to get everyone engaged?
Be Dedicated to Personal Growth…Just Not All the Time
Personal development is so great…Can we take a break now?
Why Lack of Authenticity is Behind Most Business Problems
In 45 years, I have found that most breakdowns in business can be traced to an absence of authenticity…
Can Having Fun at Work Make You More Productive?
We’ve all heard of working smart, but what about working fun?
Vulnerability as a Prerequisite for Daring Leadership
This is the culprit for most breakdowns. We don’t share our expectations and then wonder why others let us down. Why? First, we assume other people will just get it. Second, to share our expectations means to be vulnerable…
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