How to Inspire Your Team to Greatness Simply By Showing Confidence In Them
I just watched the Philadelphia Eagles handle the San Francisco 49ers. We’ve all been there — worked hard all quarter for the big presentation only to have a wrench thrown in the works at the last minute. How do you inspire your team when that happens?
Stop Holding People Accountable at Work
Stop holding people accountable; it doesn’t work. But leadership coaching is built around accountability, so how can I say it doesn’t work?
The Loudest Silence — Recognizing the Chatter in Your Head
In silence, how long does it take your internal commentator to start chattering? What do you notice about its nature? We just returned from a silent retreat…
What Gen X Leaders Can Do For Your Business…If You Ever Notice We’re Here
Whatever the reason Generation X is so often overlooked as “the sandwich generation,” it would behoove organizations to throw a little attention their way...
Some Unorthodox New Year’s Advice: “Go Slow”
We tend to set goals based on who we think should be, what we should be achieving rather than taking an internal look to ask, “Does this outcome excite me?”
When Does Personal Development Become Too Much of a Good Thing?
The personal development industry has exploded. Initially, I thought, “oh wow, this is amazing!” But then I had the sinking realization that too much of a good thing can be detrimental...
Finding Peace in Reflection This Time of Year
This time of year calls us to reflect, observe and consider. It could reveal a successful year coming to completion or a difficult one...
Check Yourself - Your Response Could Affect Generations
What justifies committing violence, a rant of swear words or any reaction severe enough to end a relationship? I was in conversation with a client about “temptations…”
The Perfect Solution - How to Get Your Team On Board
You’ve figured out the perfect solution. You tell your team how excited you are, assign responsibilities and send them off. You notice a couple of people looking resigned…
Taking Time to Play Outside
If you are anything like me, getting outdoors, breathing in some fresh air and climbing over a few rocks is the best gift…
Thanks but No Thanks ~ On Taking Gratitude Too Far
I greeted the gratitude talk with my characteristic skepticism. My eyes rolled so far back into my head that I could see the cynicism lighting up my brain like a Christmas tree…
You Want a Healthy Work Culture, but How Do You Get One?
It does not take a great work culture to succeed in business, but if you value a culture built on decency and engagement, here’s what it takes…
Shedding Light on Some Darker Feelings
I’ve been stuck in this mindset that I need to make grand changes to my life, and then it will be fixed. If I just move to a new city, get a new house, a new car, a new therapist…
Learner, Doer, Teacher ~ The Hero’s Journey
Watching the Astros, I was fascinated by the meetings at the mound. In a post-game interview, one of the players was asked what he said to the pitcher, and I was surprised by the simplicity of the message…
If You’re a Victim and You Know It, Clap Your Hands
I stumbled onto the plane only to run into some guy coming down the aisle the wrong way with a bag way too big for the bins. Bound and determined to make it work, he had no problem holding up the entire boarding process…
Coping with Your Reaction to Change ~ Embracing the Unexpected
Life can feel totally out of control sometimes. People change their priorities. Pandemics happen! We can feel overwhelmed. However, we are not powerless…
How to Make Friends with Your Triggers
What happens when you get triggered — that full-on experience of a rug pull or a sideswipe? One moment you are fine, and the next you are very far from it…
Please Don’t Feed The Stress
Stress. We talk about it a lot, usually as a negative thing, but it’s also an important part of who we are as humans…
Could Business Success Be That Easy?
You probably do business with people you like, and you like them because of the way they treat you. How you are treated reflects how that business treats the people who work there…
How Ending Part of a Relationship Made it Better
My partner and I broke up so we could grow closer together. And as the romantic partnership fell away, so did judgments of who we thought the other person should be…
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