Fundamental of the Week, Brett Morris Brett Morris Fundamental of the Week, Brett Morris Brett Morris

Trust Starts When No One’s Watching—How Accountable Are You?

Trust and accountability go hand in hand—especially in leadership. Whether it’s a childhood mistake, a tempting shortcut, or a pivotal decision, how we handle our actions defines who we are. In this week’s blog, Brett Morris shares personal stories and insights on why practicing blameless problem solving isn’t just about fixing issues—it’s about building trust, starting with yourself.

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Tracey Nelson Tracey Nelson Tracey Nelson Tracey Nelson

Feedback at Work

Feedback is vital to our development and growth, both as professionals and in our personal life. But harshly negative feedback, especially from a superior in the workplace, is only rarely effective, and can cause employees to fear speaking up, stop taking chances, spread resentment among others, or find a new job. 

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Marlene Clark Marlene Clark Marlene Clark Marlene Clark

Lessons through the wall

Being a human co-existing with another for any period of time can make it that much more interesting. Have you been with someone long enough to have an epic “fight story” you can tell your friends over wine?

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