Redefining Peak Performance: Forget the Rules

Photo by Gaspar Zaldo

Peak performance may look different than you thought.

I’ve noticed something lately… Society has a not-so-new obsession with the best ways to be healthy and happy. However, when you look closer, it seems that most of these “rules for being” are centered around trying to fix what is wrong with you, heavily implying that something is wrong to begin with. I wrote about this topic a few years ago, thinking it couldn’t get worse, and you bet your bottom dollar I was wrong.

It seems as though every time I open my phone, I am hit in the face with a new set of rules for “how to be.” As someone whose career revolves around helping people achieve their personal version of peak performance, I am often tempted to give in to this cultural pressure to constantly better ourselves.

But here's the interesting part: every time I find myself in an obsessive pattern of bettering myself (which is so much more often than I would like to admit, lol), I am quite literally the most miserable version of myself.

So that begs the question: when do I find myself in peak performance?

I find her in the music and in the laughs over the perfect amount of cocktails with the girls who love me unconditionally. I find her every time I pull up to a stoplight and realize I have a $5 bill in the depths of my purse for the person holding up a sign. She is there when I tell a risky joke and totally pull it off. I find her when I am dancing in the kitchen alone, making a meal for the people I share a roof with. She’s in those perfect moments with a stranger, where you both witness something that makes you share a glance of complete understanding and burst into belly laughter. I find her trusting that God created this life for it to be shared and enjoyed, rather than splitting hairs and criticizing stuff that REALLY doesn’t matter.

And most importantly, I find her laughing at herself for taking herself so seriously, and picking herself up for a dance instead of judging further.

So I invite you to ask yourself, “When do I REALLY find myself in peak performance?”

The answer may surprise you.

~ Caitlyn Rose

Fundamental of the Week #14: DELIVER RESULTS  

Set high goals without overpromising. Track and measure your progress, and hold yourself and others accountable for delivering consistent results.

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