Taking Time to Play Outside

As this year winds down and the holiday celebrations start to wind up, I encourage you to put your inner child on the top of your gift list. 

If you are anything like me, getting outdoors, breathing in some fresh air and climbing over a few rocks is the best gift. 

It doesn’t take much; it just takes remembering to play and to find adventure, even if it’s your own backyard making a snow angel (In Texas, we may get a chance to do this in February.)

Here’s some inspiration from a gorgeous hike in a hidden Hill Country gem, Inks Lake State Park. This is only an hour’s drive from Austin! 

May simple pleasures bring you joy,


Fundamental of the Week #3: SPEAK STRAIGHT, RESPECTFULLY 

Address issues directly with those involved, even if it feels uncomfortable. Speak honestly, clearly and respectfully in a way that moves the action forward. Ask questions for clarity and share ideas. Check for understanding.

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