To Get the Results You Need, Ask for Them!
Effective communication simply leads to much more efficient operations. If you ask every participant after an average meeting to tell you the reason for the meeting as well as what the follow-up action items are, you will get an almost comically wide range of answers.
From the Principal’s Office to the Playground
The true power of accountability lies in recognizing that the moment we become aware of it, we are at the center of our universe. In more practical terms, anything that happens in “my world” is something I have some accountability for. At the very least, I am accountable for how I choose to respond.
Ignorance Appropriates Our Power
It’s not that performance-enhancing drugs are uncommon among athletes; it’s just that it’s only unacceptable if you get caught. Where am I going with this? It’s about how much our language creates reality — both for us individually and collectively.
How to Communicate with Purpose and Precision
It's not just about what you say, but how it's received and understood. The weight of comprehension lies heavily on the shoulders of the communicator. This places us in a position of responsibility.
Whispers in the Office: Decoding Dialogues
I’ve shared this quote with you before and am doing so again as it’s one of my favorites and it absolutely bears repeating!
How Can We Improve Professional Communication and Relationships?
I've personally found this exercise to be an invaluable tool. It has prevented me from making impulsive and regrettable communication choices when I've been in a reactive state.
Could You Be Sabotaging Your Growth with a Victim's Perspective?
My first taste of victimhood occurred when I approached Sarah, the Uber driver’s car, and she had kindly opened her trunk for our luggage.
There must be some misunderstanding…
“There must be some misunderstanding, there must be some kind of mistake… “ It's natural for us to create stories in our minds to make sense of what others say or how they behave. Unfortunately…
Shut Up and Listen!
Group communication is challenging. Communicating effectively takes intention, planning and practice. A few tips…
When You Talk to Yourself, What Do You Say?
Our internal dialogue drives the way we relate to others. Is your self-talk focused on joy, gratitude and love or stress, inadequacies and guilt? Sometimes it’s so automatic, you don’t even notice it.
You’re Not as Good a Listener as You Think
Most people think they are better listeners than they are. We listen at about 25 percent efficiency. And, although most people agree that good listening is essential, very few seek to improve their listening skills.
How To Get Results — Communicating Your True Intent
It’s like an iceberg. The part above water is our communication. What we don’t see or share sometimes is what is underneath the water.
new beginnings
In doing so, here are some of the things I have learned:
Asking for help is a sign of strength, not weakness.
Though you have transformed, never be ashamed of your story or who you used to be.
Your core values are who you already are. Own it.
Listening “for” is more than being open. It’s putting aside the need to “do” anything.
The Verbal Bridge from Here to There
We like to think we are open to fresh thinking, but are we really? And what cost do we pay? Can we really listen to another, if what they think violates our own beliefs, especially when the judgments start piling up?
Communication Consequences
WE, not they, are accountable for what others take away from our communication.
Please Respond...
Your lack of response, timeliness or enthusiasm signals to team members that urgency is not expected or required. Further, during this current time of uncertainty, they look to you to provide necessary structure to rely on.
Do You Need a Decoder Ring?
The more we can all speak the same language, the better opportunity we have to accelerate the communication and results.
Grateful for the Art of Communication
Clear and efficient communication begins with the speaker having a clear intention on what is to be said.
Engagement at Work
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