How To Get Results — Communicating Your True Intent
Photo by Artur Voznenko on Unsplash
Have you ever considered that the number one reason we come into conflict is from misinterpreting someone else’s intention? Intention lies beneath what we communicate. We have a thought that leads to a desired outcome, and then we communicate that to others. But the actual communication doesn’t always share the thought or intention underneath; it just says what we want to happen.
It’s like an iceberg.
The part above water is our communication. What we don’t see or share sometimes is what is underneath the water – the intention, the “why” of our communication. This is a blind spot. (more on the brain science behind blind spots)
If I get push-back or lack of alignment, I get frustrated. This is when I realize that maybe I haven’t been clear. It’s possible that I have left out the “why” of my communication. When I remember this (still a major work in progress), I clarify my intention and purpose. Even if the other person still doesn’t agree, I find that person understands and acknowledges my point of view. (the difference between agreement and alignment)
Taking this extra step as a new habit can save us lots of time and money.
If I added up all the costs of my limited communication, I would likely be astounded at the financial and emotional impact. I also realize that I’m responsible for listening generously for other people’s intent and meaning to their communication. This makes all the difference in building trust. (more on how to listen generously)
Being focused on my intention in communication serves another purpose.
It helps me sort through what’s really important and keeps me on track with that purpose. We tend to get distracted by our judgments or the perceived judgments of others, which potentially derails our outcome.
One of my favorite books is The Power of Intention by Wayne Dyer. This book teaches us how we have power over our experience by choosing what we think. There is a quote in the book by Carlos Castaneda:
“Intent is a force that exists in the universe. When sorcerers beckon intent, it comes to them and sets up the path for attainment, which means that sorcerers always accomplish what they set out to do.”
Dyer describes The Seven Faces of Intention as creativity, kindness, love, beauty, expansion, abundance and receptivity. You may not consider these intentions aligned with business; however, I invite you to discover what happens if your communications come from these words.
Take a moment and breathe.
Did you wake up today with an intention or purpose or did you start moving through your to-do list without much thought? Neither way is right nor wrong. Pay attention to how you feel in both situations. What difference would it make if you focused on any of the above words to clarify how you move through your day? (more on assuming positive intentions in others)
We can either be reactors or creators of our destiny. If you wait for life to happen to you, it will, and you may or may not be satisfied. If you accept the idea that you are the creator of your reality, you are now in the driver’s seat of your life. This is where your intentions are born into existence.
I challenge you to a seven-day experiment.
Take one face of intention a day and let it be the source of your communication. Be clear regarding the outcome you are looking for and ask others to clarify their communication to you.
Day 1: creativity
Day 2: kindness
Day 3: love
Day 4: beauty
Day 5: expansion
Day 6: abundance
Day 7: receptivity
I can’t wait to hear what you attract!
With my best intentions,
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Make sure your expectations are clear and what people hear is what you are asking. Be clear about what’s expected of you.
Momentum Consulting offers executive business coaching, top-level executive consulting, team trainings and team off-sites to build and transform your business to the next level. Inquire about business consulting and leadership coaching today.