If 5,000 People Gave You the Answer to a Problem, Would You Listen?
“People all over the world want a good job with mission, purpose with a living wage. This finding gets you pretty close to the meaning of life in the new millennium.”
The Economics of Decency on Display
We have spent years endeavoring to bring the principle, “decency pays,” to the people we work with, and Wizard has been a great model for us.
When You Can’t Think of Anything to Say, Say “Thanks.”
I’ve been living the dream lately, so how is it possible I don’t have anything to share? Sometimes when we are the most on purpose is also when we have the least to talk about because our actions already say it.
What’s Missing When We Think About Gratitude
How many organizations evaluate what they are grateful for in the outcomes they identify? Every outcome, whether positive or negative, is an opportunity to learn.
An Incomplete Guide to Being a Decent Human
There were a lot of things on my list that needed to be rethought. And … there are actually a lot of cool things influencing my son today.
Is the Devil Actually in the Details?
We do judge others based on superficial details such as grammar errors, habits, behaviors and appearance. Some of us work hard to get past or de-prioritize those judgments and assumptions.
How to Build Momentum & Keep It
Momentum in business, or even in your personal life, is like physics. Getting going, the start-up energy, is the hardest thing to muster…
I Made the Biggest Mistake
I compounded my error with a bigger one: denying responsibility. I was willing to cross over into the absurd to avoid the consequences of my actions.
Enantiodromia — The Economics of Decency, Part 2
There appears to be a genuine shift in recognizing the power of decency in our business structures and models. If the business community is genuine in these efforts rather than playing to an audience, the shift could accelerate quickly.
The Most Overlooked Business Power Tool -- Decency
Often, decency is viewed as at odds with corporate culture and policy, as antithetical to profit and business success. I would asset, though, that not only does decency not hamper corporate success, it promotes it. Some high-profile CEOs agree.
Joy amidst Challenge ~ A Poem
I surrendered to the full spectrum of what it means to be human and allowed grace to do its job. I gave myself permission to feel all of it. Then I wrote a poem about it I want to share with you:
Simple Acts of Kindness
People love compliments; they appreciate the acknowledgment and pay no attention to the delivery. In business, “verbal praise was more effective than cash bonuses,”
How Business Coaching is Like Parenting
When I pay attention to how I parent, I become a better coach. The two experiences have many similarities.
How & Why To Practice Blameless Problem Solving
A basic tenet of our coaching practice at Momentum Consulting is accountability, an essential component of executive leadership training, both with individuals and teams. Those of you familiar with us have surely heard one of us say “…there’s no blame in accountability, and no accountability in blame”.
How To Get What You Want (Hint: Ask For It.)
In relationships at work or at home, remember that assumptions remain in your own mind. Explicit requests are spoken or written in detail. And most people will rise to the occasion if you give them the requirements and expectations.
The Value of Trust in Confidentiality
If a person is editing their thoughts out of fear you might blab, you may end the conversation with a feeling of vagueness and irresolution, sensing you still don’t know their genuine opinions.
The biggest mistake is resisting the resistance. It’s natural to resist something that thwarts your intentions, but actually, you just have two opposing forces.
A Gnarly Year: The Only Way Out Is Through
“The only way out is through,” but I ask, “what about when the path through resembles a brick wall?”
Redesigning Recovery, Updated
I am reposting a blog I wrote last fall on recovery. It serves as a great reminder to care for ourselves, and I am literally practicing recovery by allowing a repost!
Listening for intention: Getting Past the Crap
Isn’t it great when we’re with people who look past the bad stuff and try to understand what we intend to say? We call those people our friends, our trusted advisors, our coaches. They “get” us, not because they agree, but because they listen.
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