Carrie Harper Carrie Harper Carrie Harper Carrie Harper

new beginnings

In doing so, here are some of the things I have learned:

  1. Asking for help is a sign of strength, not weakness.

  2. Though you have transformed, never be ashamed of your story or who you used to be.

  3. Your core values are who you already are. Own it.

  4. Listening “for” is more than being open. It’s putting aside the need to “do” anything.

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Martha Lynn Mangum Martha Lynn Mangum Martha Lynn Mangum Martha Lynn Mangum

On Values and Greenlights

We guide our clients in a process of revealing their Core Values and coach them on the awareness of the positive impacts and the limitations of those values. These Core Values are instrumental in how we approach and achieve our goals. Everyone is different and unique and there are many different paths to our success. 

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Tracey Nelson Tracey Nelson Tracey Nelson Tracey Nelson

Feedback at Work

Feedback is vital to our development and growth, both as professionals and in our personal life. But harshly negative feedback, especially from a superior in the workplace, is only rarely effective, and can cause employees to fear speaking up, stop taking chances, spread resentment among others, or find a new job. 

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Marlene Clark Marlene Clark Marlene Clark Marlene Clark

Lessons through the wall

Being a human co-existing with another for any period of time can make it that much more interesting. Have you been with someone long enough to have an epic “fight story” you can tell your friends over wine?

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Carrie Harper Katrina Fajardo Carrie Harper Katrina Fajardo

Choosing Overwhelm?

To address your overwhelm, ask yourself these questions:

  1. How many things am I trying to handle at once?

2. What one thing is actually pushing that “overwhelm” button?

3. How can I relieve that pressure?

4. Who can I ask for help with that?

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Brett Morris Brett Morris Brett Morris Brett Morris

What new beliefs can serve you better than old ones?

There is a conversation going on right now in this country, and it is a conversation filled with old beliefs juxtaposed with new thoughts and ideas. For most of us, old beliefs are familiar, comfortable, and deeply rooted. Personally, I believe in the preamble to the Declaration of Independence. I believe that grandmas and grandpas exist to cuddle and spoil their grandchildren. I believe people should be on time for their appointments. You and I are a bottomless pit of beliefs.

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Martha Lynn Mangum Martha Lynn Mangum Martha Lynn Mangum Martha Lynn Mangum


Did you know that joy is a practice? Business consultant Martha Lynn Mangum takes us through some ideas for intentional joyful practice to improve your health and performance.

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Craig Clark, Fundamental of the Week Craig Clark Craig Clark, Fundamental of the Week Craig Clark

There is What is Said.... and There is What You Hear

This is a common situation in pretty much every organization we have worked within. In our work with executives, we routinely coach them to take the time to check in with their people, and see what they are doing, so they have greater opportunity to acknowledge or appreciate their teams or employees. We find acknowledgement is one of the most powerful and impactful things a leader can do to encourage engagement and higher performance.

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