One Year
Photo by Khamkéo Vilaysing on Unsplash
If you had one year to live; what would you do?
I overheard my father ask my mother that question as I walked by, and it stopped me in my tracks. I started to back away as I said “Ohh that question makes me uncomfortable”. Awareness being the first step, I then leaned into that question. What would I do?? Here’s what I came up with; if I had one year to live... I would ask for help.
Help in being supported so I could do more of the things I want to do.
Help in sharing my message so I could create impact more efficiently.
Help in finding solutions that may extend that year into a longer amount of time.
Bottom line: I would ask for help and ask to be supported. I wouldn’t give up on my mission and purpose. I would supercharge its urgency by asking for help in making it happen.
We’ve all heard the saying “Live every day like it’s your last,” and know the importance of the truth it carries. So quickly after deciding I would ask for help if I only had a year left, I was confronted with the realization that there’s no way of knowing how much time I have left...
so why have I allowed myself to believe that I shouldn’t be asking for help now?
Nobody can do this alone. It really does take a village. However, when it comes to making our dreams a reality, we tend to forget these truths. There is so much vulnerability in asking for help. Especially in asking for help to do amazing things. But here’s the deal...
Asking for help is the very thing that allows us to receive it. Being clear and specific in our requests signals to the universe that we are ready to get what we want because we’re willing to ask for it.
When we ask for help, we own our purpose.
We take accountability for believing in ourselves. Asking for help is literally saying “Hey! I am WORTH helping! So please help me!”
So even though I plan to live many more years than just one, this thought experiment held me accountable for taking ownership of my impact by re-committing to asking for help. It reminded me that asking for help is not a sign of weakness but a sign of strength and worthiness. A sign of ownership.
So let me ask you: if you had one year to live what would you do?
And what’s keeping you from taking action now?
Fundamental #5: ALWAYS DO YOUR BEST
Develop the practice of doing your best each day. As it becomes a habit, what constitutes your best will change and improve over time.