Questions to My Conscience

image - "human consciousness explained"

"Are you my shadow or are you me?

Can I look down from above and see

You telling me what to do and not to

Jump to conclusions but could you be

The better part of me set free 

From this unawakening dream

We call reality?

Is this what God made

After all the trees and the morning dew

Asleep fell 'me' and

Awake stayed 'you'?"

  • Marlene Remmert, age 16


I’ve never forgotten this poem. On the outside I was all action, in constant motion. On the inside I had a whole other world going on, a world full of questions and contemplation. Not much has changed really. Without knowing what to call it early on, I have always been fascinated with expanding human consciousness. The most important thing for me is to never stop wondering and being curious about who I am and what on Earth am I doing here.

One of the things I’m learning is to listen to the next generation. I have a dream that we will reach out from one generation to the other and heal this world together. There are a few other things I'm learning and beginning to know.

I know it feels good to feel. I know it feels good to breathe deeply. I know it feels good to love and be loved. I know that being a great leader has everything to do with listening to my heart and having the willingness to be vulnerable. I know I am now starting to do this more and I’m growing in the process...becoming more energetically aligned with the crazy and alive kid who wrote this.

I think my sixteen year old self would be happy to know who I am today.


image of Marlene as a teen

What about you? What did you feel deeply about or write down when you were 16 that still lives in your heart to this day? Would you be willing to share it with someone? I'd love to hear it.

Spring Blessings Y’all,


Fundamental #22: DEMONSTRATE URGENCY IN RESPONSE TIME AND FOLLOW-UP  Model enthusiasm in your response to issues and rigor in your follow up.  Make sure your work is accurate, complete, and timely.  Keep people updated, and make sure they are clear about your communication(s).




Personal and Professional Purpose