You Get What You Ask For
In relationships at work or at home, remember that assumptions remain in your own mind. Explicit requests are spoken or written in detail. And most people will rise to the occasion if you give them the requirements and expectations.
Overdelivery in 2021
In 2021, we may start thinking deeper thoughts about what exactly we want to promise... because we want to live up to what we are promising, never disappoint the customer, and be realistic with what kind of service we can provide.
Getting What You Ask For
If you’re not getting what you want, start paying attention to what you are asking for. The good news is, it’s up to you.
The Verbal Bridge from Here to There
We like to think we are open to fresh thinking, but are we really? And what cost do we pay? Can we really listen to another, if what they think violates our own beliefs, especially when the judgments start piling up?
Accountability: in Breakdown and Breakthrough
Recently, I have noticed one area of accountability that is lacking in the world. And that is holding ourselves and others accountable for the positive impact we create. While there is great value in being accountable for breakdowns, I believe that it is even more important to give credit for what is working.
When Unable to Find Resolution, Can We Find Commitment?
Are we willing to have the courage to shift our commitments to a greater outcome or cause when we recognize how imperative it would be to change course? Are we accountable enough to communicate to the people that are impacted by our change in plans?
Laughable Leadership
Using fun to relieve tension or shift a conversation is a powerful leadership tactic you can use with yourself, family, friends, colleagues.
Communication Consequences
WE, not they, are accountable for what others take away from our communication.
A Life Lived in the Service of Others
Being of service to others includes all aspects and all areas of our lives. It is not just something we do to "check the box" on being a good person. If we’re paying attention, there is an opportunity for service to become a part of who we are each and every day.
Customer Service 2020
As we go into 2021, if we have already figured this out, it won't be such a 'PIVOT' moving forward. If we remember that our customer holds a special relationship to us, and believes in something we show up for, we will be the ones winning in business.
Why Can't I Get There?
Our whole worldview is shaped by this life-long linear series of learning experiences, as is the reality we live in and think in. We have now established a whole set of beliefs about how the world is, how people are, and most importantly, how we are. Our behaviors will follow this structure of a belief-based reality, guided by an internal mental dialogue, advising us on how to respond to our minute by minute interactions with the world.
Love Everybody and Tell the Truth
The most efficient way to accelerate our human performance is to be 100% true to ourselves and those we interact with. When we tell the truth, we align with ourselves and can be sure we are utilizing our best ability for the task or discussion at hand.
Being Right Isn't About Being Right
Unfortunately, we will never prove our self-worth if we look for it outside of ourselves. The journey for all of us is to discover our self-worth internally. Here's a little hint: you already are worthy. However, as we work through that belief, how do we work through the immediate frustration of not feeling heard?
Gratitude for Straight Talk
Here are some recommended guidelines on how to speak straight respectfully:
Create some ground rules: No accusations, no name-calling, no bad language … etc.
2. Seek to understand before being understood.
3. Be factual. Resist interpretations and hyperbole in order to bolster your case.
4. Give up being “right”, as in a righteous attitude.
5. Take breaks when it gets too hot. (You could use a walk after all that turkey anyway.)
6. Don’t take anything personally and don’t make assumptions. (Agreements 2 & 3: Don Miguel Ruiz)
7. Set up the environment. (Adults only, alcohol-free, remove sharp utensils … etc.)
8. Know your audience.
9. No ganging up on minority opinions.
10. Listen.
The Mini Me in Listening
What is Mini Me saying when someone else is speaking? A few common examples:
“I wish she would get to the point.”
“He has no idea what he’s talking about.”
“I already know this.”
“I completely disagree.”
“I’ve been there, done that.”
“My way would be so much better.”
“I have so many things I need to be doing right now.”
“What am I going to have for lunch?”
The Integrity Boat
I like to think of integrity like a boat. It either works or it doesn’t. There is no moral judgement involved. It’s really not about right or wrong or good or bad. If the boat’s got you, then you can relax, knowing you are being held. You can be highly productive and get from one point to another. Or you can use the opportunity to enjoy just being on the water
Business: Impact Positive
With the socially conscious movements of today, and elevated by today's global marketplace and connectivity, consumers are taking a closer and closer look at business ethics.
The Devil, The Details, and Burning Man
Tell people how to behave, give them a reason to do so, and they most often will.
Assuming positive intent to benefit yourself.
Assuming positive intent of others is less about them and more about you creating the reality you desire.
Redesigning Recovery
We have recovery as a practice because we know mistakes, impacts, and breakdowns will happen. The quicker we can recognize our mistakes the quicker we can clean it up and productivity will resume
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