Who’s Ready for 2025?
This process allows us to release expectations and attachments to outcomes. It’s not an either/or scenario.
Service is Exponential
We're not just saying "yes" to serving others; we're saying "yes" to a life infused with meaning and connection.
Beyond the Blind Spots: How Perception Shapes Our Reality
It seems no matter how long or well we think we know something or someone, our knowing is little more than a perception of our own fabrication.
Embrace Change, Challenge Certainty
While I may not have all the answers, what I've found helpful is embracing curiosity, especially when faced with the daunting prospect of self-destruction.
Living Our Lives in the Service of Others
We're not just saying "yes" to serving others; we're saying "yes" to a life infused with meaning and connection.
The Selfish Joy of Service
I saw a video where Tom Hanks shared something he learned in life. Something he wished he’d known when he was younger.
Is “Fine” Really How You Are?
Why do we feel we have to glaze over the truth if it doesn’t sound good? Do we forget that we are all in this together, and part of our human experience is to feel sadness, joy, struggle, happiness and the full range of emotions?
A Life Lived in the Service of Others
Being of service to others includes all aspects and all areas of our lives. It is not just something we do to "check the box" on being a good person. If we’re paying attention, there is an opportunity for service to become a part of who we are each and every day.
Lose Yourself in the Service of Others
At Momentum Consulting, we consider ourselves both consultants and students of high performance. We are right there with you in this endeavor, one moment at a time. And if you’re around any of us long enough you’ll hear us talk about the power of listening. This is not just hearing things with our ears. This is how we receive and process information. And when done generously, it can even be a way to honor the one(s) speaking.
We Serve Ourselves
It’s this generosity in listening that makes them easy to serve and easy to love.
Service is 360
Altruism - unselfish regard for or devotion to the welfare of others - can:
Feel good – altruism has been proven by studies at NIH to promote changes in the brain associated with happiness.
2. Reduce isolation and impart a feeling of belonging .
3. Reduce stress and feelings of negativity .
4. Give perspective .
5. Be contagious.
Serving the Customer
Serving the Customer also means doing the right thing. This is a review of a Future Frontiers meeting with Conscious Capitalist John Mackey and the premise of doing the right thing in business as a service to the customer.
Service is 360 Degrees
Service produces gratitude and appreciation from both the giver and receiver. This is the unexpected outcome that has me want to give more. I also feel it’s humbling to remember we are all connected and at some point in our lives, everyone needs a helping hand.I just saw a saying today that says something like “there’s a difference between talking to someone when you have the time and making the time to talk to someone”.
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