Serving the Customer

Future Frontiers Meditation

In the future, if you are not serving the customer, you are history.

I spent last weekend here in Austin at a Conference-Festival, “Future Frontiers.”

What I experienced was nothing short of a global community of visionary entrepreneurs and creatives who are redesigning the paradigms of culture and society, often beginning with personal transformation. Better yet, I spent this time of visioning and exploring ideas next to and with my husband and business partner, Craig, and our two daughters, who are also creators.

“If Burning Man and TED had a Baby, it would be Future Frontiers.

"Future Frontiers creates media, stories, and immersive experiences that offer a window into a flourishing future. We reveal radical possibilities for self and society so that we can all become the change we want to see.

“FutureFrontiers embodies its own philosophy called ‘Optimistic Futurism’ based on a world view that we are not just ‘along for the ride,’ but are active creators of our own reality. The attitude we bring to this act of creation determines what kind of world we live in. Through understanding this, we are capable of reimagining our lives and the institutions that shape us.”

Keynote speaker John Mackey (CEO, Whole Foods Inc.), is known to have said, “I think for leadership positions, emotional intelligence is more important than cognitive intelligence. People with emotional intelligence usually have a lot of cognitive intelligence, but that’s not always true the other way around.”

This whole idea that the future is being created not by how much you know, but by insight, connectivity, and emotional intelligence, is a theme we are seeing in the best and brightest of today’s thought leaders and business leaders.

In other words, if we are not serving the customer through thoughtful insight, asking questions such as “how would that leave her feeling?”then we are losing our grip on our place as a business of the future.

In this talk, Mackey talks about Conscious Capitalism, the Whole Foods organization based on the belief that business can and should elevate our humanity. The old thought system was that Capitalism was a way to improve capital gains of the few. The Conscious Capitalism way improves the lives of the masses by aligning personal principle with business elevation.

To reframe our message of “the customer is always right,” let’s think beyond the day to day transaction and consider “what does the customer VALUE, and how can we provide that through our systems?

At Momentum Consulting we are working in partnership at a whole new level and always serving the customer is a non-negotiable core value. In this new era of possibility, we are ALL being served in the process.

All my best,



Remember our founding principle “we work in partnership,” always!

In all situations do what’s best for the customer, even if it’s to our own



Service is 360


Conscious Capitalism