Beyond the Blind Spots: How Perception Shapes Our Reality

Photo by Pixabay

Several years ago, I was meeting a potential client for a drink. Marlene joined us. She was my wife, but not my business partner then. I always believe I make a better impression when she is with me. At some point, I felt stalled on where to take the conversation when Marlene, who had been mostly quiet so far, stepped in and quickly engaged our guest in an interesting direction that led to possible work. It was a bit of a surprise for me. I saw something in her I had not seen before.

Later, as I was reflecting on this, it dawned on me that she was not the same person I had married some 5 or 6 years before. I realized I was not the same person either. Like the universe, we are all in a state of constant change. I later shared this with her, and it was a rich conversation that started me down a path of fresh listening and appreciating her anew. Thirty-eight years later, I think that moment changed the potential of our marriage.

It is a common human deception that once we think we know something or someone, we continue to relate to that as how we first perceived it/them. It seems no matter how long or well we think we know something or someone, our knowing is little more than a perception of our own fabrication. Our perceptions and experiences form our beliefs, which are things we assume are true, things we consider fact. Our perceptions are real; they just are not “the truth.” Intellectually, we know this; behaviorally, not so much. Yes, material things exist; how we interpret them varies among us. This is a major source of our blind spots; our beliefs make it difficult for us to process information that challenges our beliefs.

This is a major source of our blind spots; our beliefs make it difficult for us to process information that challenges our beliefs.

Scientific American says the following:

"How exactly do our brains construct reality? That information is translated into millions of tiny electrical pulses. Your brain reads these electrical pulses, in effect, like a computer reads code. It uses that code to actively construct your reality, fooling you into believing this controlled hallucination is real." (Mar 11, 2020, How exactly do our brains construct reality? Scientific American: How the Brain Constructs the Outside World)

Literary Hub on Perceptions:

"Where do our perceptions come from? Our perceptions of people and things are shaped by our prior experiences, our interests, and how carefully we process information. This can cause one person to perceive the exact same person or situation differently than someone else. Conversely, our perceptions can also affect our personality." (Feb 1, 2023, Literary Hub)

And a government publication:

"How does our brain create our perceptions? Sensory stimuli from the eyes, ears, and such are converted to electrical signals and then transmitted to the relevant parts of the sensory cortex that process these inputs and induce perception. To initiate a movement, impulses from the motor cortex instruct the spinal cord neurons to produce muscular contraction."

All of this suggests how much our thoughts, beliefs, and perceptions create our view of the world and how much these influence our actions and reactions to things, often at an unconscious level. There is science that suggests as much as 90% of our behavior is actually driven by unseen subconscious beliefs and judgments.

These create blind spots that manifest behaviors consistent with our view of people, work, the world, and they limit us!

Roy Williams, founder of the extraordinary Wizard Academy in Buda, Texas, spoke of this in one of his Monday Morning Memos,

"Hidden within your blind spot is your limiting factor, the thing that holds you back and limits your success."

A major blind spot for us is how connected we are to each other and everything else. The entire Cosmos is best described as a living organism of which we are each a holistic part. Our freedom from blind spots is accessed by “going in,” seeking the uncovered beliefs, perceptions, and judgments that drive us from the shadows where they reside. We mistakenly think we are making our choices and have free will.

It is a lengthy journey, complete with doubts, confusion, and occasional hardships, but one in which we can gather nuggets all along the way as we delight in the new discoveries of ourselves.

May the FORCE be with you.

Love and Blessings,


By the way, we can help!

Fundamental of the Week #8: SERVICE IS EXPONENTIAL 

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