Brett Morris, Fundamental of the Week Brett Morris Brett Morris, Fundamental of the Week Brett Morris

Gratitude for Straight Talk

Here are some recommended guidelines on how to speak straight respectfully:

  1. Create some ground rules: No accusations, no name-calling, no bad language … etc.

2. Seek to understand before being understood.

3. Be factual. Resist interpretations and hyperbole in order to bolster your case.

4. Give up being “right”, as in a righteous attitude. 

5. Take breaks when it gets too hot. (You could use a walk after all that turkey anyway.)

6. Don’t take anything personally and don’t make assumptions. (Agreements 2 & 3: Don Miguel Ruiz)

7. Set up the environment. (Adults only, alcohol-free, remove sharp utensils … etc.)

8. Know your audience.

9. No ganging up on minority opinions.

10. Listen.

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Fundamental of the Week, Marlene Clark Marlene Clark Fundamental of the Week, Marlene Clark Marlene Clark

Needing to speak up? Here's how

Needing to speak up at work? Here are some tips:

  1. Start with your commitment to the person, the department, and to the outcome of the conversation, with an intention to forward the action.

  2. State the facts of the situation. Separate the facts from your interpretation. 

  3. Share the impact the situation or their behavior has had on you. Frame what you have to say from your own perspective and point-of-view.  

  4. Be authentic and believe it or not, you can’t lose if you speak straight from the heart. It helps them to listen generously, especially if they have had an unintended impact on you. 

  5. Leave the conversation with a resolution. It may not be fully resolved, just start somewhere and go from there. You may have to make a request or two and possibly negotiate some new promises between each other.  Focus on finding a solution, not who is at fault.

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