How Many Friends is Too Many?
We can have, on average, 150 “meaningful” relationships. However, social media is changing the game. How many people are you “friends” with on your social media platforms? How many of those people do you interact with outside of your social media?
Is “Fine” Really How You Are?
Why do we feel we have to glaze over the truth if it doesn’t sound good? Do we forget that we are all in this together, and part of our human experience is to feel sadness, joy, struggle, happiness and the full range of emotions?
What’s Missing When We Think About Gratitude
How many organizations evaluate what they are grateful for in the outcomes they identify? Every outcome, whether positive or negative, is an opportunity to learn.
Simple Acts of Kindness
People love compliments; they appreciate the acknowledgment and pay no attention to the delivery. In business, “verbal praise was more effective than cash bonuses,”
Redesigning Recovery, Updated
I am reposting a blog I wrote last fall on recovery. It serves as a great reminder to care for ourselves, and I am literally practicing recovery by allowing a repost!
On Values and Greenlights
We guide our clients in a process of revealing their Core Values and coach them on the awareness of the positive impacts and the limitations of those values. These Core Values are instrumental in how we approach and achieve our goals. Everyone is different and unique and there are many different paths to our success.
Calm in the Reconstruction
Here’s what I discovered…When I focus on the solution, I feel empowered, productive, and energized. When I feel empowered, productive, and energized, I have even more space to create solutions.
When Unable to Find Resolution, Can We Find Commitment?
Are we willing to have the courage to shift our commitments to a greater outcome or cause when we recognize how imperative it would be to change course? Are we accountable enough to communicate to the people that are impacted by our change in plans?
Being Right Isn't About Being Right
Unfortunately, we will never prove our self-worth if we look for it outside of ourselves. The journey for all of us is to discover our self-worth internally. Here's a little hint: you already are worthy. However, as we work through that belief, how do we work through the immediate frustration of not feeling heard?
Redesigning Recovery
We have recovery as a practice because we know mistakes, impacts, and breakdowns will happen. The quicker we can recognize our mistakes the quicker we can clean it up and productivity will resume
I Have a Secret...
My own philosophy about secrets is that the longer we hold them the more potential negative impact they have. I’m not talking about other people’s secrets because those aren’t ours to share.
Common Terms and Clarity
Do you consider who your audience is when you use this language? If we don’t, we lose people in the communication.
Making a Request
Making a request requires generous listening first, and then in speaking straight, respectfully. We have to be out of reaction mode in order to be effective.
Balancing Positive Intent
As we are all doing our best to navigate this pandemic, the roller coaster of emotions and thoughts is very real. On the one hand, I want to watch the news to stay informed and understand what’s really happening in the world. I wonder if the news has informed me with their best intentions.
Focus on the Fix
“The proactive approach to a mistake is to acknowledge it instantly, correct and learn from it. This literally turns a failure into a success.” -Stephen R. Covey
It's More Than The Win
Set high goals and hold yourself accountable for the delivering on the results. This part is about the journey, not just the end game.
Do You Need a Decoder Ring?
The more we can all speak the same language, the better opportunity we have to accelerate the communication and results.
A Dress of a Different Color
We train leaders to listen for others in a way that they are contributing to the success of the team, company, and customer. This doesn’t mean they have to agree with an opposing point of view. If we can get past the agreement part, we can listen for understanding and actually expand our perception and point of view. This could make all the difference in the outcome.
Improving Impact Through Proper Planning
Our calendars speak facts, and typically, our interpretation of what happened in the past year isn’t as accurate as the calendar.
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