Think Like a Wizard: Cultivating Imagination for Business Growth
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Do you believe in magic?
Yes, I know we’re supposed to be talking about WORK here. So, why am I bringing up magic?
I believe in the magic of creativity and the magic of innovation. We all know that creativity and innovation can give your organization a competitive advantage and growth through new markets and customers. The most important and amazing new products and services we now view as commonplace were all born from someone’s imagination. Think about your phone, your car, your laptop, airplanes, bullet trains, fresh produce out of season, overnight delivery, and the list goes on and on!
All the examples above literally did not exist before someone imagined them by dreaming big, thinking out of the box, looking at things differently, and ignoring the naysayers. A favorite quote of mine from Albert Einstein is “Imagination is more important than knowledge.”
Now, think about your last meeting. Was there magic? It clearly won’t happen every time, but great leaders create a workplace environment that will allow creativity and innovation to flourish. A few considerations:
When someone proposes a new product, service, or system, what is the team’s reaction? What is your reaction? Common refrains such as “We tried that already” or “Someone/something won’t let that happen” can quickly kill a budding innovative thought. Can you find ways to say yes to that idea, even if the idea needs a little tweaking?
What are the consequences of failure? If people are shot down for trying something that doesn’t work, they won’t try again. (Or might take their idea to your competition!)
What are the rewards for success? Are great ideas attributed to their original author and celebrated? Are promotions and/or bonuses tied to innovation and positive change?
Do you and the other leaders in the organization actively solicit new ideas and change? Do you challenge your team to develop a better way to do what they’re doing? To find new solutions to your customers’/clients’ challenges?
Magic can happen when there is an opportunity for creative ideas to rise, and those ideas are nurtured by being given time and resources to grow.
So put on your imaginary wizard’s hat and go create magic!
~ Tracey
Fundamental of the Week #17: BE DEDICATED TO PERSONAL GROWTH
Be a lifetime learner by challenging yourself to take risks and operate outside your comfort zone. Solicit feedback, learn from mistakes, and apply that learning. The magic happens when you understand problems as opportunities for breakthroughs.
Momentum Consulting offers executive business coaching, top-level executive consulting, team training, and team off-sites to build and transform your business to the next level. Inquire about business consulting and leadership coaching today.