Fundamental of the Week, Martha Lynn Mangum Martha Lynn Mangum Fundamental of the Week, Martha Lynn Mangum Martha Lynn Mangum

Being Right Isn't About Being Right

Unfortunately,  we will never prove our self-worth if we look for it outside of ourselves. The journey for all of us is to discover our self-worth internally.  Here's a little hint: you already are worthy. However, as we work through that belief, how do we work through the immediate frustration of not feeling heard?

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Craig Clark, Fundamental of the Week Craig Clark Craig Clark, Fundamental of the Week Craig Clark

There is What is Said.... and There is What You Hear

This is a common situation in pretty much every organization we have worked within. In our work with executives, we routinely coach them to take the time to check in with their people, and see what they are doing, so they have greater opportunity to acknowledge or appreciate their teams or employees. We find acknowledgement is one of the most powerful and impactful things a leader can do to encourage engagement and higher performance.

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