Unlocking the Economics of Decency: How Anthropos Arts Achieves Remarkable Success Through Music Education
If most businesses had this kind of result from their clients, they would be top performers.
Being Right Isn't About Being Right
Unfortunately, we will never prove our self-worth if we look for it outside of ourselves. The journey for all of us is to discover our self-worth internally. Here's a little hint: you already are worthy. However, as we work through that belief, how do we work through the immediate frustration of not feeling heard?
Unlocking the Power of Your Mind: Finding Balance and Shifting Negative Thoughts
This is a redundant topic because as a human, I have to be consistently reminded that how I perceive the world is totally up to me. If that’s the case, does it make you wonder why we choose to think thoughts that create suffering?
Embracing Evolution Together: A Journey of Growth and Accountability
Thank you. Not just for reading this but for being my partner in this journey. I need you for that, and here’s what I mean.
I Have the Best Dad in the World
I can say with conviction that Momentum Consulting co-founder Craig Clark also happens to be the best dad in the world. 5 years ago I gave him a journal with 20 reasons why that’s the case. I recently found the journal and wanted to…
How & Why To Practice Blameless Problem Solving
A basic tenet of our coaching practice at Momentum Consulting is accountability, an essential component of executive leadership training, both with individuals and teams. Those of you familiar with us have surely heard one of us say “…there’s no blame in accountability, and no accountability in blame”.
How To Get What You Want (Hint: Ask For It.)
In relationships at work or at home, remember that assumptions remain in your own mind. Explicit requests are spoken or written in detail. And most people will rise to the occasion if you give them the requirements and expectations.
The biggest mistake is resisting the resistance. It’s natural to resist something that thwarts your intentions, but actually, you just have two opposing forces.
Redesigning Recovery, Updated
I am reposting a blog I wrote last fall on recovery. It serves as a great reminder to care for ourselves, and I am literally practicing recovery by allowing a repost!
Personal and Professional Purpose
We have come to the conclusion that Purpose isn't a sweet little "nice to have." It's a necessity. In life and in business. Where there is purpose, there is drive. Where there is drive, there is the everlasting climb to better business, better lives, and a better world.
There is What is Said.... and There is What You Hear
This is a common situation in pretty much every organization we have worked within. In our work with executives, we routinely coach them to take the time to check in with their people, and see what they are doing, so they have greater opportunity to acknowledge or appreciate their teams or employees. We find acknowledgement is one of the most powerful and impactful things a leader can do to encourage engagement and higher performance.
How We Do Anything is How We Do Everything
When we don’t have permission to be honest about how tough life can be because it’s not "appropriate for the workplace," we end up limiting our own productivity and performance in the work place.
Calm in the Reconstruction
Here’s what I discovered…When I focus on the solution, I feel empowered, productive, and energized. When I feel empowered, productive, and energized, I have even more space to create solutions.
What Have You Learned by Creating Magic?
This organizational fundamental about learning something new is not just about getting new knowledge, but it’s about the mindset that allows for learning. Part of it says "Challenge yourself to take risks outside your comfort zone .... "
Broken Trust is Bad for Business
The lack of trust between and among management, staff and customers/clients can lead to:
High employee turnover
Low engagement and productivity
Reduced innovation
Reduced profitability
You Get What You Ask For
In relationships at work or at home, remember that assumptions remain in your own mind. Explicit requests are spoken or written in detail. And most people will rise to the occasion if you give them the requirements and expectations.
Overdelivery in 2021
In 2021, we may start thinking deeper thoughts about what exactly we want to promise... because we want to live up to what we are promising, never disappoint the customer, and be realistic with what kind of service we can provide.
Getting What You Ask For
If you’re not getting what you want, start paying attention to what you are asking for. The good news is, it’s up to you.
The Verbal Bridge from Here to There
We like to think we are open to fresh thinking, but are we really? And what cost do we pay? Can we really listen to another, if what they think violates our own beliefs, especially when the judgments start piling up?
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