To Get the Results You Need, Ask for Them!
Effective communication simply leads to much more efficient operations. If you ask every participant after an average meeting to tell you the reason for the meeting as well as what the follow-up action items are, you will get an almost comically wide range of answers.
How to Communicate with Purpose and Precision
It's not just about what you say, but how it's received and understood. The weight of comprehension lies heavily on the shoulders of the communicator. This places us in a position of responsibility.
Whispers in the Office: Decoding Dialogues
I’ve shared this quote with you before and am doing so again as it’s one of my favorites and it absolutely bears repeating!
Mastering the Art of Expectations
We’ve all found ourselves close to a deadline and need others on our team to pull their weight or come in with their assigned work on time. If we are waiting for that moment late in the game to start holding people accountable, we’re already too late.
There must be some misunderstanding…
“There must be some misunderstanding, there must be some kind of mistake… “ It's natural for us to create stories in our minds to make sense of what others say or how they behave. Unfortunately…
Common Terms and Clarity
Do you consider who your audience is when you use this language? If we don’t, we lose people in the communication.
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