Breaking Barriers: Why Personal Growth Lies Beyond Comfort
It’s one of those hard truths that is easy to dismiss because, in our minds, there’s always an external force to blame—a toxic relationship, a difficult boss, societal pressures. Yet, this truth is painfully accurate.
Inspiring Growth Through Vulnerability
My vulnerability didn't weaken me; it empowered me. And more importantly, it inspired others to embrace their own vulnerabilities and authenticity.
The True Wisdom of the World
“YES! This is it! THIS is the wisdom of mankind and of my people! And THIS is the lesson we shall teach to all my subjects across my kingdom!”
The Unspoken Power of Personal Integrity
In my decades-long leadership journey, one lesson has become unmistakably clear: personal integrity isn't just a buzzword; it's the foundation of effective leadership. I've learned this not from theories but from facing the challenges of leading teams in the real world.
Your Dreams Might Be Closer Than You Think
As humans, we often fall prey to what I like to call "someday syndrome." It's this idea that right now isn't good enough, and that someday, things will magically fall into place.
Are you walking the path or watching it?
There are times when I was feeling guilty for hitting the pause. However, I've come to realize that this is the part I don't want to miss. This is when the real magic happens.
Authenticity: From Shallow Waters to Higher Ground
We get up in the morning, clean up for work (at least pre-COVID), down some coffee, brace ourselves, and head out the door. It has become so routine we do not notice. In some ways, it started back in grade school… walking out the door with a mental “showtime!”. We slapped our game faces on and headed to school.
I’m Not as Tough as I Thought I Was
I just had some major dental work in Costa Rica and took all the novocaine they’d give me. I’m not as tough as I thought I was…
How To Get What You Want (Hint: Ask For It.)
In relationships at work or at home, remember that assumptions remain in your own mind. Explicit requests are spoken or written in detail. And most people will rise to the occasion if you give them the requirements and expectations.
What Have You Learned by Creating Magic?
This organizational fundamental about learning something new is not just about getting new knowledge, but it’s about the mindset that allows for learning. Part of it says "Challenge yourself to take risks outside your comfort zone .... "
Personal Growth is Lifelong Growth
Your willingness to move through the pain and adversity will set you free into your ultimate expansion.
Good Leaders are Good Learners
As a leader, it is imperative that you practice continual learning. Good leaders are good learners. You have demonstrated learned knowledge and skills in getting to a leadership position, but now is when you need to develop a laser focus on learning more.
Finding Honor in the Present Moment
How am I doing at living up to and fulfilling the terms of honoring the commitments I’ve made to myself?
Are You Coachable?
I may have gotten a little more coachable over the years, but my default in hearing feedback is not to listen, but instead listen to the voice in my head that says,
Be Dedicated to Personal Growth
There are growing movements seen in tech, with designers, and leadership that are making consciousness a welcome “buzzword”. We are in an upswing where people are mindfully using technology, mindfulness practices, meditation, and experiences to not only expand their mind and well-being, but to also nurture their business.
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