Be Dedicated to Personal Growth


The Pursuit of Conscious Leadership.

There are growing movements seen in tech, with designers, and leadership that are making consciousness a welcome “buzzword”. We are in an upswing where people are mindfully using technology, mindfulness practices, meditation, and experiences to not only expand their mind and well-being, but to also nurture their business.

I’ve done the inner exploration at silent retreats (which you can read more about here) and am preparing for a more external experience of radical creative expression with my family later this year…more to come.

The common thread? This pursuit of consciousness and greater awareness.

When I am more aware, I am a better leader, a better coworker, and better family member and friend. I am more aware of how my interactions impact others and am better able to be present for the people in my life.

You don’t need 10-days of silence or dust in curious places to achieve this either.In the tech realm, there is consciousness hacking. Where instead of letting the devices you use call the shots, you’re using technology to accelerate your ability to get to this state of FLOW, ecstasis, being, presence, whatever we call it.

It is what most of us are craving and it is what will help humans flourish. It helps us focus, it helps us connect.

Whether you travel for your seeking, add a mindfulness meditation, or even use technology to boost your consciousness I expect this topic to keep growing and gaining momentum. Here on our Momentum Consulting Blog, we will cover more on this as the year progresses and am excited to have you on this journey with us…raising consciousness to become better leaders. 

Consciously yours,


Fundamental #17 | Be Dedicated to Personal Growth

Be a lifetime learner.  Challenge yourself to take risks and operate outside of your comfort zone. Solicit feedback and learn from mistakes. Understand the nature of causing breakthroughs and live it as a discipline.  Believe in Magic.


Practice Blameless Problem Solving


Respect Confidentiality