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Katrina Fajardo Katrina Fajardo

The Value of Trust in Confidentiality

If a person is editing their thoughts out of fear you might blab, you may end the conversation with a feeling of vagueness and irresolution, sensing you still don’t know their genuine opinions.

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Fundamental of the Week, Martha Lynn Mangum Martha Lynn Mangum Fundamental of the Week, Martha Lynn Mangum Martha Lynn Mangum

Respect Confidentiality

We tend to measure a person’s character through their integrity and intention. We can measure a person’s competence through their capabilities and results produced. This gives us a formula for how we look for trust in others.It includes both subjective and objective considerations. If we identify that one or more of these Cores of Credibility are missing, we have specific information that helps us know where to start restoring trust with that person.

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