
Be Accountable: Act like you are an owner in the company. Ownership accountability means holding yourself to account, holding others to account, and the willingness to be held to account.

I have a secret.

I’ve told myself that if I don’t declare a goal or an action out loud, then it’s not really something I have to do.

I’m outing myself because it is the opposite of accountability. I painfully orchestrate an internal debate until I finally conclude what’s important to me and how I’ll support myself in the follow through. I know that once I declare it out loud to someone else with specifics, it’s a done deal.

I’m aware that some people don’t need this external validation, but for me, it’s how I ensure I complete the task. It’s how I own it and get support for being held to account.

As the new year is in full swing, I am struggling with one particular goal I want to generate this year. I’m struggling because it’s not super exciting or instantly gratifying. Truth be told, it’s something I need to do every year and I have found brilliant excuses and real reasons for not doing it. I’m in the space between knowing I need to do it and actually setting myself up to proceed. I have told 2 people and yet, my declaration has been very vague and elusive. So, I haven’t really declared my commitment.

As I write this, my heart is beginning to beat faster and my palms are a bit sweaty. This is how I know I’m going to get this done...I can’t stand the physical discomfort! I love the irony that I’m writing about accountability when I’m challenged with being accountable to myself. That is the humor of the Universe. I get it…I’m laughing…and I’m ready to fully own and declare my goal, my commitment, and ask for support in making it happen!

This is exactly the kind of support we all need whether it be in our personal or professional lives.

I often tell prospective clients that one of my roles as an executive coach is to be an accountability partner. I have firsthand experience in knowing how important that partnership can be as I look for it personally and professionally myself. It’s much more fun to include others in our goals, successes, and even the failures.

We don’t have to do it alone and I am definitely more successful when I include others. The biggest win in holding myself accountable is getting my power back. I feel anchored, empowered, and inspired.

“You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.” -Wayne Gretzky

Are you taking any shots towards your goals? Are you keeping them secrets or are you sharing with others?

Let me know!! I’ll shoot with you! I hope you join me back on the court,

Martha Lynn


Find a Way


Honor Commitments