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Craig Clark, Monthly Update Craig Clark Craig Clark, Monthly Update Craig Clark

What do we Know about Reality? Nothing, Really!

Brain science reveals a lot about how we interpret life, especially to fit our personal worldview or reality. Some of those distinctions are:

  1. Conformational bias: Looking for qualities and behaviors that confirm your beliefs about someone or something while ignoring those that contradict your beliefs.

2. Halo/horns: When a positive or negative impression of someone carries over into all future interactions with that person.

3. Stereotyping: making assumptions based on appearance, or grouping people to assume they are all the same

4. Similarity effect: Having greater confidence or trust in someone because they are like us.

5. Motivational blindness: the tendency to not notice the unethical actions of others when it is against our own best interests to notice. (this is a wicked one!)

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