Why Details Matter More Than We Think
Paying attention to these nuances might seem like an outdated concept in an era of shortcuts and instant gratification, but it’s in those details where real, lasting impact lies. Think of it like the difference between a masterful painting and a hastily printed poster.
List: Tyrants or Tools?
I have so much admiration for people who can keep it all in their heads and accomplish the tasks, calls, and appointments. I’m starting to wonder if they are just smarter by committing to fewer tasks at a time?
Master This Crucial Skill for Business Success
Be honest with yourself; how much have you learned by talking? But listening well and generously is easier said than done. It takes more than just hearing what another person is saying.
What the Animals Know that We Should Learn
I recently picked up a book titled "The Social Lives of Animals" by Ashley Ward. The cover flap informed me that "a rat will go out of its way to help a stranger, Vampire Bats will share their food with another who does not have any, and ants farm aphids in cooperatives." I bought the book.
Unlocking the Power of Your Mind: Finding Balance and Shifting Negative Thoughts
This is a redundant topic because as a human, I have to be consistently reminded that how I perceive the world is totally up to me. If that’s the case, does it make you wonder why we choose to think thoughts that create suffering?
Authenticity in the Workplace: Why Being Yourself Matters
Regardless of whether you work in a creative agency, architectural firm, sales enterprise, corporate environment, or government organization, we all hold fixed points of view regarding what we can and cannot do and say. However, it is worth considering how much of this is a fixed reality and how much of it is shaped by our own thinking.
What is a Safe Environment in THE Workplace?
If you work in an office environment, you might easily think workplace safety pertains solely to physical safety; your office has no heavy machinery, forklifts, or clearly contagious employees, so it must be safe, right? Not necessarily.
Is the Devil Actually in the Details?
We do judge others based on superficial details such as grammar errors, habits, behaviors and appearance. Some of us work hard to get past or de-prioritize those judgments and assumptions.
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