How Shadow (the Shadow Self) is a Function of Light
In fairness, looking inward, introspection, is all scary business. We want to know the source of our particular anguish, yet we are hesitant, fearing confirmation of our worst fears about ourselves.
The Shadow Knows - Thoughts on Jung’s Shadow Self
Jung’s “shadow” describes those aspects of the personality we repress. There are parts of ourselves that we don’t like, — or that we think society won’t like — so we push those parts down into our unconscious psyches.
If 5,000 People Gave You the Answer to a Problem, Would You Listen?
“People all over the world want a good job with mission, purpose with a living wage. This finding gets you pretty close to the meaning of life in the new millennium.”
The Economics of Decency on Display
We have spent years endeavoring to bring the principle, “decency pays,” to the people we work with, and Wizard has been a great model for us.
Enantiodromia — The Economics of Decency, Part 2
There appears to be a genuine shift in recognizing the power of decency in our business structures and models. If the business community is genuine in these efforts rather than playing to an audience, the shift could accelerate quickly.
The Most Overlooked Business Power Tool -- Decency
Often, decency is viewed as at odds with corporate culture and policy, as antithetical to profit and business success. I would asset, though, that not only does decency not hamper corporate success, it promotes it. Some high-profile CEOs agree.
The biggest mistake is resisting the resistance. It’s natural to resist something that thwarts your intentions, but actually, you just have two opposing forces.
Conscious Capitalism is founded on four principles:
Conscious leadership
Stakeholder orientation
Conscious culture
Higher purpose
Is suffering overrated?
Is suffering overrated, or is it a choice? It brings to mind some choices we make in our learning and listening. Here’s help for breaking the cycle.
There is What is Said.... and There is What You Hear
This is a common situation in pretty much every organization we have worked within. In our work with executives, we routinely coach them to take the time to check in with their people, and see what they are doing, so they have greater opportunity to acknowledge or appreciate their teams or employees. We find acknowledgement is one of the most powerful and impactful things a leader can do to encourage engagement and higher performance.
The Verbal Bridge from Here to There
We like to think we are open to fresh thinking, but are we really? And what cost do we pay? Can we really listen to another, if what they think violates our own beliefs, especially when the judgments start piling up?
Why Can't I Get There?
Our whole worldview is shaped by this life-long linear series of learning experiences, as is the reality we live in and think in. We have now established a whole set of beliefs about how the world is, how people are, and most importantly, how we are. Our behaviors will follow this structure of a belief-based reality, guided by an internal mental dialogue, advising us on how to respond to our minute by minute interactions with the world.
The Devil, The Details, and Burning Man
Tell people how to behave, give them a reason to do so, and they most often will.
Practice Blameless Problem Solving
The practice, discipline really, of blameless problem solving gives leaders and managers a great tool to accelerate performance, quickly build trust, and pull for greater employee engagement across the organization. When blameless problem solving becomes part of the culture, it’s a powerful lever for high performance.
When a Promise is Unkept, It Opens Many Doors...
When we don’t keep promises, it opens up all kinds of portals for mischief.
Clean-Ups and Acknowledgement
In work and relationships, clean-ups are essential when there is a negative emotional impact on someone. Acknowledge the wrong doing and work to clean it up.
What has the Current Environment Revealed About Your Culture?
We have been struggling economically, socially, and culturally in this current environment since the beginning of the year ( ie. the 2020 pandemic quarantine). Although the shock has yet to wear off, more and more organizations are building plans for dealing with the moment, as well as creatively trying to imagine and plan for their future. As in all calamities, there are winners. But this time, it is not close to balancing out those on the short end.
Where am I Standing?
Awareness demands we examine how we see life and the beliefs we have about it, thinly disguised as facts or thought. It demands we discover the non- reality in how we see life and how those beliefs drive our behavior, none of which is real! It’s only real to us in our interpretations, and whoever we can get to agree with us.
Respect Confidentiality
What people are willing to share with us is a gift and it enhances our ability to be clear and to make good decisions. The less willing people are to confide in us, the weaker the information we have to make good decisions.
Humans Have An Internal Guidance System
We dealt with what “ownership accountability” looks like in action. This level of accountability:
Starts with what I’m accountable for in my job, and what I’m paid for
2. It also includes my impact on others in how I get my job done
3. Finally, doing my job with an enterprise-wide perspective, that what I do, or what my team or area does, has some impact on the whole organization.
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