When You Can’t Think of Anything to Say, Say “Thanks.”
I’ve been living the dream lately, so how is it possible I don’t have anything to share? Sometimes when we are the most on purpose is also when we have the least to talk about because our actions already say it.
Joy amidst Challenge ~ A Poem
I surrendered to the full spectrum of what it means to be human and allowed grace to do its job. I gave myself permission to feel all of it. Then I wrote a poem about it I want to share with you:
A Gnarly Year: The Only Way Out Is Through
“The only way out is through,” but I ask, “what about when the path through resembles a brick wall?”
How We Do Anything is How We Do Everything
When we don’t have permission to be honest about how tough life can be because it’s not "appropriate for the workplace," we end up limiting our own productivity and performance in the work place.
Accountability: in Breakdown and Breakthrough
Recently, I have noticed one area of accountability that is lacking in the world. And that is holding ourselves and others accountable for the positive impact we create. While there is great value in being accountable for breakdowns, I believe that it is even more important to give credit for what is working.
Love Everybody and Tell the Truth
The most efficient way to accelerate our human performance is to be 100% true to ourselves and those we interact with. When we tell the truth, we align with ourselves and can be sure we are utilizing our best ability for the task or discussion at hand.
Assuming positive intent to benefit yourself.
Assuming positive intent of others is less about them and more about you creating the reality you desire.
Personal Growth is Lifelong Growth
Your willingness to move through the pain and adversity will set you free into your ultimate expansion.
Fun can be Productive?!
The words "fun" and "productivity" rarely occur in the same sentence. But what if we discovered that having more fun actually increases our productivity?
Letting Go of the Need to Be Right
I believe that giving up your need to be right starts with the willingness to listen generously. Curiosity is a foundation of generous listening. When we become curious, it exponentially increases our ability to learn.
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