How Valuing Confidentiality Shapes Our Lives
Why is this so crucial? It’s because every person we interact with has inherent value, and the way we treat them lays the groundwork for meaningful accomplishments.
Credibility: The Key Pillar of Transformational Leadership
I’m a big fan of Stephen Covey’s assertion that building trust is essential to leadership. I bring this concept into executive team offsites as well as one-on-one coaching as a vital goal for leaders. Bottom line: if your team doesn’t trust you, they won’t follow you.
Building Trust through Confidentiality: A Vital Aspect of Leadership
I still consider the risk to be worth it. The greater risk to me would have been to breach confidentiality, which is essential to an executive coaching relationship.
The Dance of Beliefs in Building Meaningful Connections
Building and sustaining these connections isn't always a walk in the park. No one is going to come knocking on your door asking to be your bestie.
The Art of Recovering and Thriving in Every Season
Acknowledgment, as research suggests, is a cornerstone in retaining valuable employees, and witnessing genuine recognition in action was heartening.
Embracing Consciousness in a Connected Universe
I will admit, my intelligent brain could absorb this, but my emotional rationale struggled. Not unlike… “Do you believe in ghosts, flying saucers, or life on other planets…” radical to absurd questions when I was growing up, easily got you laughed out of the room.
Saying Goodbye To a Pet: On Grief and Joy
It’s in our nature to dive head first into the well of pain and grief that loss brings, just as it is to ride the waves of joy and expansion as our future calls us forward…
How to Reboot Your Brain by Doing Less
It’s the middle of the summer, and I find myself needing a break. I want to slow down and be quiet. Luckily, my clients are feeling the same way. ..
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