Saying Goodbye To a Pet: On Grief and Joy

When I was 15, I begged my parents for a little dog.

His name was Jameson, and it didn’t take long for the entire family to fall deeply in love with him the way I had. He had quirks that consistently left us all delighted and entertained. I loved this dog so much that I often would ask myself, “What on earth will I do when I have to say goodbye?” I would even joke that when he died, I would need to be checked into a facility. Sadly, the day to say goodbye was this past week. And while, thankfully, I’m not in a facility, nothing could have prepared me for losing him.

Strangely, this same week has been filled with exciting blessings and opportunities. At first, I felt unsure how to respond to such extreme highs and lows of life occurring all at the same time. Then, I remembered…

The contrast in life is what makes us human.

It’s our nature to dive headfirst into the well of pain and grief that loss brings, just as it is to ride the waves of joy and expansion as our future calls us forward. It’s not an inconvenience to feel it all at the same time; it’s an honor and a privilege. It’s our birthright. One cannot exist without the other, and both are beautiful in their own way.

Joseph Campbell said, “Every feeling fully felt is bliss.”

One of Momentum’s fundamentals is “honor commitments.”

What would it look like if you honored the commitment you made to be human? For me, that looks like owning and feeling every emotion, no matter how uncomfortable. It’s giving myself space and permission to process death while simultaneously celebrating life. And most importantly, it is keeping my heart open through all the pain and heartbreak this life brings because I know it’s worth it.

Thank you, Jameson, for all of the love you brought to this world and for deepening my understanding of what it means to be human. It truly was my pleasure. I love you, and I can’t wait to see you again soon one day.

~ Caitlynrose

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Fundamental of the Week #12: BE ACCOUNTABLE  

Own what happens in your world. That means holding yourself and others to account in a way that strengthens the relationship.

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