Taking Time to Play Outside
If you are anything like me, getting outdoors, breathing in some fresh air and climbing over a few rocks is the best gift…
Thanks but No Thanks ~ On Taking Gratitude Too Far
I greeted the gratitude talk with my characteristic skepticism. My eyes rolled so far back into my head that I could see the cynicism lighting up my brain like a Christmas tree…
When You Can’t Think of Anything to Say, Say “Thanks.”
I’ve been living the dream lately, so how is it possible I don’t have anything to share? Sometimes when we are the most on purpose is also when we have the least to talk about because our actions already say it.
What’s Missing When We Think About Gratitude
How many organizations evaluate what they are grateful for in the outcomes they identify? Every outcome, whether positive or negative, is an opportunity to learn.
Gratitude for Straight Talk
Here are some recommended guidelines on how to speak straight respectfully:
Create some ground rules: No accusations, no name-calling, no bad language … etc.
2. Seek to understand before being understood.
3. Be factual. Resist interpretations and hyperbole in order to bolster your case.
4. Give up being “right”, as in a righteous attitude.
5. Take breaks when it gets too hot. (You could use a walk after all that turkey anyway.)
6. Don’t take anything personally and don’t make assumptions. (Agreements 2 & 3: Don Miguel Ruiz)
7. Set up the environment. (Adults only, alcohol-free, remove sharp utensils … etc.)
8. Know your audience.
9. No ganging up on minority opinions.
10. Listen.
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