I have lived long enough, several decades, to witness cultural shifts over time. The 2000s are nothing like the 1950s. Culture and society march ahead, and it's up to us to keep up. But here's the rub: progress strains our attention spans. In politics, media, entertainment, even business, the game has changed. To capture our eyes and ears, the strategy is simple—stir things up, rile people, scare them. It works. Fear diverts attention from what truly matters because when we're afraid, our thinking becomes dulled and ineffective.
Stepping Over the Edge: Embracing the Scary to Discover the Extraordinary
We only know where we are going and what to pack. The rest of the trip is a surprise, as we learn each day what the activity will be. I cherish these trips because they require me to trust and push myself to do scary things.
Leadership Dynamics: The Newtonian Approach to Business Momentum
Every breakdown is a function of a conversation not had. The biggest mistake is resisting the resistance.
Living Our Lives in the Service of Others
We're not just saying "yes" to serving others; we're saying "yes" to a life infused with meaning and connection.
How to Inspire Your Team to Greatness Simply By Showing Confidence In Them
I just watched the Philadelphia Eagles handle the San Francisco 49ers. We’ve all been there — worked hard all quarter for the big presentation only to have a wrench thrown in the works at the last minute. How do you inspire your team when that happens?
What’s the Purpose of Finding Purpose?
I get at least six emails a week telling me that the sender has the “magic formula” to increase our business by 10 times. Does it actually work?
How to Overcome The Dreaded Dr. No
My role in brand extension required new ideas, products and markets. In one company, several of the other executives were dead-set against anything I came up with.
Redesigning Recovery, Updated
I am reposting a blog I wrote last fall on recovery. It serves as a great reminder to care for ourselves, and I am literally practicing recovery by allowing a repost!
Find a Way
If you want people to behave a certain way, you have to tell them how you want them to behave. That way they know what you expect from them
Who Wins the Game?
I notice I cause problems for myself when I get overly attached to my preparations. One of my many blind spots is around overly relying on my preparation. “Winging it” is rarely my first choice. However, things do tend to work out well when I trust my ability to adapt and find a way.
Find A Way.
In an industry heavy with regulations and rules of what you can and can’t do, she tenaciously brings the attitude of "FIND A WAY" for her customers’ benefit.
Find a Way
Find a way to take personal responsibility, to be innovative, assertive, and take initiative in creating the culture that you actually want
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