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Fundamental of the Week, Carrie Harper Katrina Fajardo Fundamental of the Week, Carrie Harper Katrina Fajardo

Adjusting the Lens for Detail

There are seven basic learning styles, as shown here in this briefing by Mindvalley.

  • Visual / Spacial: can see detail in design, shapes, and space

  • Aural: can hear detail in music and are very affected by sound

  • Verbal: have detailed vocabulary and thrive in written and spoken word

  • Physical / Kinesthetic: feel detail in how the body moves and learn through doing

  • Logical / Mathematic: see detail in numbers and calculations

  • Social / Interpersonal: need to be around others in order to learn

  • Solitary / Intrapersonal: learn better alone

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Fundamental of the Week, Marlene Clark Marlene Clark Fundamental of the Week, Marlene Clark Marlene Clark

Pay Attention to Details

It’s hard to catch your own errors. This can be something as trivial as transposing the letters in “the” to “hte,” or something as significant as omitting the core explanation of your article.

Our brain generalizes words & letters as we re-read our work in favor of creating sentences and meaning, and this is where a partner is crucial to double check your work

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