Yes, Details Matter


Recently a potential client put out a request for advice to several business coaches. His request was for a coach that had experience in helping entrepreneurs grow exponentially in a short amount of time. 

He had big, high-level goals. 

I always love this kind of enthusiasm, so I went to his website to learn more about his business. What I found was a lack of attention to detail. His site was filled with grammar errors, misspellings and lower case letters for proper nouns. The words were also hard to read as the font color did not contrast from the background.

It was likely a website created by the business owner himself. I understood his goal to impact a big audience, and if I were to be his coach, I clearly had a place to start. 

“Don’t let your big goals distract you from critical details.” 

As a consumer myself, I often comb through reviews, website minutia, opinions of others and anything I can find to educate me before I choose where I invest my money. Not everyone is as scrutinizing as I am, but why give our potential clients more reasons to buy from someone else? Why not dot our “i’s” and cross our “t’s?” 

We have a tradition at Momentum Consulting. Each year we welcome our clients, friends and other associates to our Annual Leadership Summit. It’s a free, fun, and educational event where we showcase an aspect of our work to those we feel might best benefit. In preparation we examine all kinds of details (sometimes way too many) in order to ensure the experience is as great as it can be for our guests. 

We’ve hosted many of these and go to great lengths to consider:

  • How do the invitations look? And when do we send them out?

  • Where will people park?

  • Do we have enough vegetarian tacos?

  • How do we arrange the tables? And how many do we need?

  • What is the "start time" vs. what is “actual start time?”

  • How can we use the power cord without it looking untidy?

  • Do we put poster A on the left and poster B on the right or vice versa? And why?

Yes, it can get tedious. Knowing where to draw the line takes practice, but each detail has an impact on the overall experience. 

Here’s an article that illustrates how details and branding can impact the assumptions your clients may make about your business.

What examples can you think of where a detail included or left out made the difference for you?

We’d love to hear about it.



Fundamental #25: PAY ATTENTION TO THE DETAILS Be rigorous about accuracy and precision. Double-check your work.


Improving Impact Through Proper Planning


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