Clean-Ups and Acknowledgement
In work and relationships, clean-ups are essential when there is a negative emotional impact on someone. Acknowledge the wrong doing and work to clean it up.
Listening Generously... or by Default?
Are you listening with generosity, or are you listening by default? Accepting accountability for how we listen to each other changes the conversation.
But First, Integrity
I believe that so many of our other key fundamentals are rooted in integrity, for example:
Honor commitments
Be accountable
Respect confidentiality
Practice blameless problem solving
Fix problems at the source
Appreciate and acknowledge
Speak straight, respectfully
Always do your best
From Fired to Fired Up
When we experience a core value violation, our default listening kicks into overdrive, and our reaction to stimulus can be severe. The drive to obey these default emotions can be seductively strong, but there is another option.
What has the Current Environment Revealed About Your Culture?
We have been struggling economically, socially, and culturally in this current environment since the beginning of the year ( ie. the 2020 pandemic quarantine). Although the shock has yet to wear off, more and more organizations are building plans for dealing with the moment, as well as creatively trying to imagine and plan for their future. As in all calamities, there are winners. But this time, it is not close to balancing out those on the short end.
Adjusting the Lens for Detail
There are seven basic learning styles, as shown here in this briefing by Mindvalley.
Visual / Spacial: can see detail in design, shapes, and space
Aural: can hear detail in music and are very affected by sound
Verbal: have detailed vocabulary and thrive in written and spoken word
Physical / Kinesthetic: feel detail in how the body moves and learn through doing
Logical / Mathematic: see detail in numbers and calculations
Social / Interpersonal: need to be around others in order to learn
Solitary / Intrapersonal: learn better alone
Balancing Positive Intent
As we are all doing our best to navigate this pandemic, the roller coaster of emotions and thoughts is very real. On the one hand, I want to watch the news to stay informed and understand what’s really happening in the world. I wonder if the news has informed me with their best intentions.
Keeping it Clean
The idea of “keeping it clean” is the greatest reward I see in practicing recovery. Yes, we try to get it right the first time and avoid mistakes. But, knowing we have the ability to clean something up provides freedom, adventure and innovation in moments of business, relationships and life.
Where am I Standing?
Awareness demands we examine how we see life and the beliefs we have about it, thinly disguised as facts or thought. It demands we discover the non- reality in how we see life and how those beliefs drive our behavior, none of which is real! It’s only real to us in our interpretations, and whoever we can get to agree with us.
Please Respond...
Your lack of response, timeliness or enthusiasm signals to team members that urgency is not expected or required. Further, during this current time of uncertainty, they look to you to provide necessary structure to rely on.
Don't Wait for Others to Change
The fabric of Texas Association of Counties is their fundamentals, twenty-five standards that each member uses to determine the direction of their work. Number seventeen, "LEAD BY EXAMPLE," is a fundamental that places each person in a role as a leader. Knowing that each person leads by example gives each member a sense of accountability, all the way to the security department.
We All Could Use An "Atta-Girl"
By appreciating our teammates or work mates, we are helping with their brain function and their health!
Focus on the Fix
“The proactive approach to a mistake is to acknowledge it instantly, correct and learn from it. This literally turns a failure into a success.” -Stephen R. Covey
What is that Noise?
When I work with clients who are in similar situations, I usually tell them, “Find yourself at the source of your suffering.” They rarely like to hear this, and now I find myself reluctant to take my own medicine. It initially seems like I’m asking myself to take responsibility for someone else’s mistake, but that’s not it. I’m reminding myself to be accountable for my own experience. The suffering really is optional, and blaming just increases it for everyone.
Good Leaders are Good Learners
As a leader, it is imperative that you practice continual learning. Good leaders are good learners. You have demonstrated learned knowledge and skills in getting to a leadership position, but now is when you need to develop a laser focus on learning more.
Respect Confidentiality
What people are willing to share with us is a gift and it enhances our ability to be clear and to make good decisions. The less willing people are to confide in us, the weaker the information we have to make good decisions.
Humans Have An Internal Guidance System
We dealt with what “ownership accountability” looks like in action. This level of accountability:
Starts with what I’m accountable for in my job, and what I’m paid for
2. It also includes my impact on others in how I get my job done
3. Finally, doing my job with an enterprise-wide perspective, that what I do, or what my team or area does, has some impact on the whole organization.
It's More Than The Win
Set high goals and hold yourself accountable for the delivering on the results. This part is about the journey, not just the end game.
On Clear Expectations and Assumptions
When a breakdown occurs, the question becomes "what was not made clear?" Rather than, "why didn't she understand me?" The clarity is a two way street, where just expecting everyone else to understand is sometimes lacking in perception.
Who Wins the Game?
I notice I cause problems for myself when I get overly attached to my preparations. One of my many blind spots is around overly relying on my preparation. “Winging it” is rarely my first choice. However, things do tend to work out well when I trust my ability to adapt and find a way.
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