Shut Up and Listen!
Group communication is challenging. Communicating effectively takes intention, planning and practice. A few tips…
If You Haven’t Got Integrity, You Haven’t got Anything
Integrity at its core is about respect for others and your community, but primarily for what you hold to be true and important.
How to Overcome The Dreaded Dr. No
My role in brand extension required new ideas, products and markets. In one company, several of the other executives were dead-set against anything I came up with.
Unbuilding the Box - The Path to Innovation
Should you have the good fortune to achieve a measure of success in your professional life, it’s tempting to sit back and get comfortable. But rest assured, the market and your competitors are not relaxing!
Is the Devil Actually in the Details?
We do judge others based on superficial details such as grammar errors, habits, behaviors and appearance. Some of us work hard to get past or de-prioritize those judgments and assumptions.
How & Why To Practice Blameless Problem Solving
A basic tenet of our coaching practice at Momentum Consulting is accountability, an essential component of executive leadership training, both with individuals and teams. Those of you familiar with us have surely heard one of us say “…there’s no blame in accountability, and no accountability in blame”.
What’s your story?
What story would people tell about you if asked? Do you honor your commitments to yourself and others? How do you handle it when you are unable to?
Feedback at Work
Feedback is vital to our development and growth, both as professionals and in our personal life. But harshly negative feedback, especially from a superior in the workplace, is only rarely effective, and can cause employees to fear speaking up, stop taking chances, spread resentment among others, or find a new job.
Broken Trust is Bad for Business
The lack of trust between and among management, staff and customers/clients can lead to:
High employee turnover
Low engagement and productivity
Reduced innovation
Reduced profitability
Communication Consequences
WE, not they, are accountable for what others take away from our communication.
The Mini Me in Listening
What is Mini Me saying when someone else is speaking? A few common examples:
“I wish she would get to the point.”
“He has no idea what he’s talking about.”
“I already know this.”
“I completely disagree.”
“I’ve been there, done that.”
“My way would be so much better.”
“I have so many things I need to be doing right now.”
“What am I going to have for lunch?”
How to Lead by Example
You have the power to choose your leadership style, but the one aspect of your style you can’t choose is leading by example. You truly have no choice but to intentionally practice it, as it will happen whether or not you choose to do so.
Focusing on Change Over Results
The Customer is Always Right?
“The customer is always right” is a phrase pioneered by Harry Gordon Selfridge, John Wanamaker and Marshall Field, highly successful retailers who understood that the success of their stores depended on the happiness of their customers.
But First, Integrity
I believe that so many of our other key fundamentals are rooted in integrity, for example:
Honor commitments
Be accountable
Respect confidentiality
Practice blameless problem solving
Fix problems at the source
Appreciate and acknowledge
Speak straight, respectfully
Always do your best
Please Respond...
Your lack of response, timeliness or enthusiasm signals to team members that urgency is not expected or required. Further, during this current time of uncertainty, they look to you to provide necessary structure to rely on.
Good Leaders are Good Learners
As a leader, it is imperative that you practice continual learning. Good leaders are good learners. You have demonstrated learned knowledge and skills in getting to a leadership position, but now is when you need to develop a laser focus on learning more.
Accountability is Contagious
Failing to hold yourself and your team accountable, essentially creates a culture in which fulfilling responsibilities, assignments and promises is not expected. Clearly, not a culture which breeds engagement or high performance.
Coaching with Heart
The core of a successful coaching relationship is a bond of mutual trust. Both coach and client need to trust one another in order to openly and honestly explore both existing and potential new emotions, thought patterns and behaviors.
My Phone is Way More Important than You
Higher productivity – problems solved faster with fewer duplicated efforts or heated arguments
Increased trust – listening to individuals generates respect and trust
Fewer mistakes – information received is more accurate
Increased confidence – self-esteem goes up when we feel we are heard
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