Forward Momentum
How many times has your progress been stymied because you are putting off an uncomfortable conversation? Or you’re trying to address something over email that really needs to be an in-person interaction or at least a phone call?
Why Can't I Get There?
Our whole worldview is shaped by this life-long linear series of learning experiences, as is the reality we live in and think in. We have now established a whole set of beliefs about how the world is, how people are, and most importantly, how we are. Our behaviors will follow this structure of a belief-based reality, guided by an internal mental dialogue, advising us on how to respond to our minute by minute interactions with the world.
Dignity as a Birthright
Our founding principle at Momentum Consulting is Dignity as a Birthright. This short narrative discusses this principle in relation to workplace safety.
A Feeling of Safety in the Office
What made a safe environment possible was to talk about where it had not been safe, at all, up to that point. It takes courage, conviction, and true commitment from leadership. And it is very possible, and not all that complicated, once you choose to no longer tolerate a toxic environment.
Managing a Safe Work Environment
Workplace / office safety requires:
The ability to be present with each other
Create a Safe Environment
The perceived lack of safety in an organization will certainly give you a calm, quiet work environment.
What it will not give you is a high performing team.
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