The True Wisdom of the World
“YES! This is it! THIS is the wisdom of mankind and of my people! And THIS is the lesson we shall teach to all my subjects across my kingdom!”
Your Dreams Might Be Closer Than You Think
As humans, we often fall prey to what I like to call "someday syndrome." It's this idea that right now isn't good enough, and that someday, things will magically fall into place.
Embracing Consciousness in a Connected Universe
I will admit, my intelligent brain could absorb this, but my emotional rationale struggled. Not unlike… “Do you believe in ghosts, flying saucers, or life on other planets…” radical to absurd questions when I was growing up, easily got you laughed out of the room.
Forward Momentum
How many times has your progress been stymied because you are putting off an uncomfortable conversation? Or you’re trying to address something over email that really needs to be an in-person interaction or at least a phone call?
What Have You Learned by Creating Magic?
This organizational fundamental about learning something new is not just about getting new knowledge, but it’s about the mindset that allows for learning. Part of it says "Challenge yourself to take risks outside your comfort zone .... "
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