The Power of Emotional Presence
In a world that often prioritizes logic over emotion, have we lost touch with the very thing that makes us human? In this reflective piece, Momentum Consultant Caitlynrose Clark explores the weight of empathy, the challenge of staying open-hearted in leadership, and the courage it takes to truly feel.
Isn’t It Ironic?
Discover the true meaning of integrity, why it’s essential, and how to live by your core values in everyday life and work, even when no one’s watching.
The Evolution of Accountability: Tracing the Origins of Personal Responsibility
I don’t remember exactly how this realization came to be, but it felt heavy, like a sense of duty. It was so strong that I thought everyone felt the same and was aligned with it. I saw it reflected everywhere: in sustainability, finance, thought patterns, conservation, war and peace—even politics.
The Myth of Individuality
No matter what perspective you want to examine life from…personal, business, societal, global it means we are not alone, nor will we survive alone. Our individuality is as individual as the arms of an octopus.
Building a Better Workplace: The Economics of Decency
During the last administration, in a particular period of rather nasty and heated political back and forth, I found myself thinking, “Whatever happened to decency?” The politics of nasty now has a solid footing.
The Unspoken Power of Personal Integrity
In my decades-long leadership journey, one lesson has become unmistakably clear: personal integrity isn't just a buzzword; it's the foundation of effective leadership. I've learned this not from theories but from facing the challenges of leading teams in the real world.
The Ripple Effect of Practicing Accountability
The beauty of accountability lies in its contagious nature.
The Heart of Effective Coaching
“People do not care how much you know until they know how much you care.” This is a favorite quote from Teddy Roosevelt, one which embodies everything I believe about coaching. Executive leadership coaches…
Embracing Evolution Together: A Journey of Growth and Accountability
Thank you. Not just for reading this but for being my partner in this journey. I need you for that, and here’s what I mean.
What is a Safe Environment in THE Workplace?
If you work in an office environment, you might easily think workplace safety pertains solely to physical safety; your office has no heavy machinery, forklifts, or clearly contagious employees, so it must be safe, right? Not necessarily.
I Have the Best Dad in the World
I can say with conviction that Momentum Consulting co-founder Craig Clark also happens to be the best dad in the world. 5 years ago I gave him a journal with 20 reasons why that’s the case. I recently found the journal and wanted to…
Accountability: in Breakdown and Breakthrough
Recently, I have noticed one area of accountability that is lacking in the world. And that is holding ourselves and others accountable for the positive impact we create. While there is great value in being accountable for breakdowns, I believe that it is even more important to give credit for what is working.
Clean-Ups and Acknowledgement
In work and relationships, clean-ups are essential when there is a negative emotional impact on someone. Acknowledge the wrong doing and work to clean it up.
We All Could Use An "Atta-Girl"
By appreciating our teammates or work mates, we are helping with their brain function and their health!
Thank You For Your Help!
If you wish to truly motivate your team to a higher level of performance, try going a little deeper than a blanket “thank you.”
Appreciate & Acknowledge
Acknowledgment and appreciation are free and effective. Let people know they are on track consistently and you will find an increase in productivity and response. Acknowledge them for the job you hired them to do and let them know what you appreciate about the value and qualities they possess.
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