Response and Connection

Click above for a brief overview from Consultant Brett Morris

My Dad taught me something.

He had a knack for calling me at the most inconvenient times, like when I was working on a deadline or trying to get the family out the door. He had a certain mystical intuition for knowing the most inopportune moments.

What made it even worse was that he would talk about nothing. He’d ask about the weather, a crossword that stumped him, or he would relive a round of golf for the millionth time. “Did I ever tell about that time me and Ol’ Tom Wolf played out at Forrest Creek?

It took me years to realize it was about more than the stories. It was simply about being with one another even though we were a thousand miles away. It was the connection made in small talk.

This week we focus on response time and follow up, but the essence of our fundamental is about building a relationship of trust through actions that connect us.

This connection flavors and supersedes the details of business. 

I often hear people say, “I don’t have time for small talk.” To that I kindly say, “Pshaw!”

As eloquently discussed in this article in The Atlantic, small talk creates big relationships and what the author calls his “most radiant interactions.”

A memorable interaction I had once was when a client was telling me about a valuable customer he was about to lose. Their most recent conversation didn’t go well, and it looked to him like their business relationship was over.

I noticed something about how he was relating to this conversation with his customer. What I noticed was that he had a “cool” way of being. Not cold, but cool. His style of communication was non-emotional and with subdued enthusiasm. 

As an executive coach my job is to look under rocks most people step over, so I asked him about this style of his.

Together we wondered if there was any personal fallout with others because of it. He laughed and agreed there likely was. 

When he saw his coolness was impacting his relationship with his customer, a light went off. He saw his style as creating a lack of perceived passion for the deal he’d been brokering. As soon as our call was done, he contacted his customer and let him know he actually was excited about it, and the customer made a substantial order giving my client an unexpected profit and a business future with the customer.

Compensation is the outcome we’re after in most business transactions.

But – we’re also yearning to be a part of something energetic, interesting and passionate.

It’s that connection that brings it to life. Just like my cool client proved, enthusiastic passion can light up a room AND be for good business. That’s how we get masterful at increasing employee engagement, building leadership skills and creating a high performance culture. 

My dad was never much for business, nor was he much for bullshit. I remember how he proudly told me once he had very few friends. The ones he did have were real, and people loved him for it. 

I miss those radiant interactions with him.

What I wouldn’t give to talk to him about “nothing” one more time. 


Fundamental of the Week #22: DEMONSTRATE URGENCY IN RESPONSE TIME AND FOLLOW-UP  Model enthusiasm in your response to issues and rigor in your follow up.  Make sure your work is accurate, complete, and timely.  Keep people updated, and make sure they are clear about your communication(s).

Momentum Consulting offers executive business coaching, top level executive consulting, team trainings, and team offsites to build and transform your business to the next level. Inquire about business consulting and leadership coaching today.


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