Act With Integrity - FOW #1

Demonstrate doing the right thing in all your actions and all your decisions, especially when no one is looking. Always tell the truth. Acknowledge and own your mistakes, clean them up and make appropriate corrections.

These fundamentals are in no particular order, except for this one.Integrity is the foundation for workability, we thought it was the natural candidate to be first.For me personally, I see everything in life working its way back to this behavior. If I’m in integrity, magic happens. If I’m not, everything but magic happens.Being in integrity is sometimes like plugging up holes in a dam with your fingers. Just when you get all the holes plugged, another one springs a leak.

It’s probably best to look at integrity as a lifestyle, not an accomplishment.

Each summer our household finds a way to venture up to Iowa for a few weeks to visit my wife’s family. The job of corralling and organizing my wife and son’s schedules here in Sarasota, my stepdaughter in Tampa, my mom in Texas and the cat (wherever) always seems to fall on me.If you hear some victim mentality there, don’t worry. I do too.I’ve been studying this transformation stuff long enough to know that once I start to get victimized by something, I’m out of integrity.About this time each year, when I get burdened by all the anxious ingredients that make up a happy family vacation, I know it’s time to have a conversation with myself about integrity.I either let go of control, wait for the cards to fall where they may, or make some change in my thinking so that I take ownership of my role in the process.Perhaps it’s a mundane thing to some of you, but I’m confident my fellow control freaks out there can relate.

This is why it’s a lifestyle.

I will ALWAYS be tempted to control stuff.I will ALWAYS want it my way.But, when the suffering starts it’s my integrity that’s out. And, it’s my job to get it back in.In most cases, I find doing the right thing is a simple choice, but not always the one I want.Here at Momentum Consulting, we do our best to Act With Integrity, and at times we even succeed. We would love to hear from you … yes, YOU.Write us. We’d love to hear from you and how you confront your choices, big and small. They all have an impact on all of us.

All the best,



Listen Generously - FOW #2


Continuously Seek to Improve the Impact We Make - FOW #26