Continuously Seek to Improve the Impact We Make - FOW #26

Always seek a breakthrough approach. Our job is to improve the lives and work of the people we serve. This path takes planning, diligence, and thoughtfulness.

Our 26th fundamental reminds us to focus outside of ourselves and remain diligent about improving the lives and work of the people we serve.

This is a dance between internal and external influences. It requires us to assess our impact in our relationships, and the accountability we have to others. While this initially feels very “me” oriented, the opposite is true.

This fundamental is less about my individual experience, and more about being mindful of my role in relationships and my impact for others. By understanding where we stand internally, we can empathetically support others to grow and reach their own goals.

Consider an athlete watching film of their performance after a game. A birds-eye view allows them to reflect and get a much better understanding of how they played. This self-awareness goes beyond their personal experience & performance and allows them to understand how they fit into the bigger picture during a game. When an individual player can see this, and address behaviors that limit their success before the next match, the entire team benefits.

In business and life when we are able to wind back the reel on our own film, this is where breakthroughs in performance come in.

Embracing this fundamental means we do the generous work of focusing on the change we seek to make. Not in ourselves, but in the world and for the people around us.

This is about focusing on the impact we ultimately have on those around us that leads us to who we are in the world and for ourselves. We embrace this fundamental when in action.It is not “about” us, meaning the focus is not on Momentum and how we are doing. The focus is on how others are doing. This takes planning and diligence to organize the interactions we need to have to even begin to understand the impact we are having.

When we seek a breakthrough approach and are diligent about our interactions, we act as a mirror that enables you to see how you are operating, and how that way of operating may limit you. We expose blind spots and once seen it’s rather easy for someone to self-correct.

It’s a dance that requires us to zoom in and out, and to take in both the bigger picture as well as our explicit role within it. An art form of interaction with people, the world and ourselves.


Act With Integrity - FOW #1


Pay Attention to the Details - FOW #25